Orc Fight

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I went to find Fang who was waiting for me in the middle of the Village and ended up riding with him around the forest with the mask Rimuru gave me. It felt very freeing at the time. I wondered about what I would do now. That would be answered immediately because I was attacked by around the first 10 minutes of riding around with Fang. Fang was cut around his hind leg with a katana which caused us to crash.

It was by an old man with horns, kimono, and katana scabbard. I got off Fang and told him to stand back. The reason would mostly be because I wanted to handle it myself and Fang had at the time very visible "Hostile Tendencies". I wanted peace rather than death.

Sho: Hey friend. You seemed to have harmed my partner, Fang. Could you explain why?

The old man instantly tried to stab me with his katana. He pierced my chest straight through but I just looked at him like he was stupid. I pulled the katana out and regenerated before anyone could react.

Sho: I don't want to hurt anyone. Please just go away.

???: Die, Evil Majin!

Another from behind me went to kill me again. He was a young man in red with horns. He also tried to cut me with a katana. I allowed it and got cut near my heart. I pulled it out again and regenerated everything. Fang was watching and just seemed to get more angry with each attack they dealt to me.

Sho: I'm not evil. I'm just trying to have fun with my wolf-

The man didn't care for my commentary and cut my mask, cracking the mask to show my left eye.

Sho: You shouldn't have done that.

My aura came out again, but this time it was denser and was just big enough to encompass a 4 feet radius of me. The aura was shattering the ground, making things float, decaying and growing things, And most of all, Giving a feeling of fear.

Red Man: It was him... He was the one who released his aura...

Sho: Please just leave me be. I don't want to fight. I'm not a Majin. I'm a True- A slime.

I corrected myself to avoid having the world on my shoulders. The outcome would probably be everyone trying to kill me or worship me, or both. I said a slime since Rimuru is my brother and if they found out, it'd make more sense rather than a True Dragon. I seemed to get through to both of the people that attacked me, only to be attacked by 4 more of them from behind me.

First I got blasted by some pink fire, I was rendered ok-ish. I just felt rather hot. Then stabbed by multiple kunai knives which was annoying. Pulverized by a giant guy, which broke many bones. I still survived it. Then finally, when I thought it was over, I just barely got cut in half. I was ok since I wasn't entirely cut in half but my aura practically melted the mace that was used before the cut could go through me. My body regenerated right afterwards.

I ended up having to do the one of few skills I never used. {The Seven Sins of Man: Greed}. I used it and all their weapons appeared in front of me and out their hands.

Sho: Stop. I just want to be left alone. I'm not a Majin. I'm just a guy with too many magicules. You won't kill me. You cannot harm me. And I could've killed you 6 times over. My friend over there would do worse.

I pointed to a group of trees that immediately got blasted by multiple {Lightning Erasure}. I pointed over to Fang and he was ready to kill everyone. The group of them seemed worried.

Sho: Please, If we can just talk, I'm sure we can solve what problem there is here without me being mutilated. Til' then you're not getting these back

There was a stare between me and them for awhile. I assumed they were staring at me to assess if what I was saying was true. I stared back to be prepared for another attack that would cut me in half. I looked at their weapons after ten seconds. I moved 3 feet away after that.

Sho: Y'know what? Nevermind- Hey, What's that?

I pointed up and a {Lightning Erasure} blasted the weapons straight to hell. It lasted 7 seconds rather than just being instant. It cost a few magicules but I was fine. Once it ended, The weapons were ash. They looked even more worried now that they lost their weapons.

Sho: You can't win. You have no weapons. Just tell me what you want.

Red Man: We want the Orcs who destroyed our village dead. They were following the Orc Lord.

Sho: Orcs? So what, Did you think I was with them?

The Red Man nodded.

Sho: So you want revenge... I think me and my brother can help you with that. It just depends on how bad the situation is.

All of them looked at me confused. They just attacked me a few seconds ago and I offered them aid.

Red Man: Who are you?

Sho: Shōmetsu. I'm just a slime trying to get by. Live life to the fullest.

I turned my hand into gray slime to avoid a possible combat disadvantage from the old guy rather than completely turn into a slime. He was one I was sure could kill me if he could harm someone like Fang who had my amount of magicules. The entire group looked at my hand once it reverted back into human form.

Red Man: Shōmetsu, We are sorry for our mistake. We would be honored if you would aid us.

Sho: It's fine.

I turned to Fang.

Sho: Fang, You can stop trying to glare them to death. We're headed back to the village.

Fang nodded to me as I got on him. I signaled the group to also get on him. They did so and in 30 seconds, Fang reached the village. The group was shaken up while I looked fine. I got off Fang, patted his head, and took the group to my brother, Rimuru.

TTIGRAAS X Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें