My eyes widened. "Not here? Then who would be throwing the party?"

Before he could reply, the music was turned down before there was a loud screech. Despite the annoying sound, people looked like they knew what that meant as they all headed towards what I learnt was the dining hall. Shane led me through to the room as well, and soon we were packed to witness the red head on stage as she cleared her throat.

"Welcome everyone! I would like to thank you all for being here. As you all know, Homecoming is around the corner, and the girls and I just thought that it would be a wonderful idea to host a Pre-Homecoming party. We hope that you enjoy yourselves ok?"

Cheering ensued and the floors shook from how loud everyone was. There was clearly excitement all around. I needed to get out of there, and luckily Shane understood. He led me outside and I had never been more relieved to breathe fresh air in my life.

"You don't party a lot, do you?" Shane asked knowingly.

I blushed. "That obvious?"

"A little," he chuckled.

"I used to go to some parties, but things have been different in the past year, since I lost my mother," I informed.

"I get it, but why are you here then?" he asked.

"There's no saying no to Nick," I huffed.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't I know it!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You like Nick!"

His eyes widened. "What? No!"

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms, maintaining my... stare up?

Damn tall people!

"You can't tell him!" he pleaded.

"I wont, but why don't you?" I asked curiously.

"I, uh, well, you see," he fumbled.

"Spit it out Shane!" I demanded.

"I don't know if I'm gay or not!" he blurted.

"What do you mean?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I've only recently started having feelings for Nick, but I'm not sure if those feelings are even feelings. All I know is that I feel weird around him, but I still like girls," he explained.

"So you're bi?" I analyzed.

"I don't know, but promise me you wont tell anyone, especially my cousin if you ever meet him," he replied.

I was about to ask who his cousin is, when there were six loud bangs. Girls screamed and the music was cut off. People looked panicked, and I was wondering why, until I heard him.


That seemed enough to get people attracted to the voice. I had felt something else from hearing it, but I seemingly had the same response as Shane and I followed everyone inside. I couldn't see the commotion from where I was, but I could hear it.

"Baby, you're home early," I heard the red head from earlier say.

"We leave for three days and you throw a party in his house? What is wrong with you Bridgette?" I heard a different male voice ask.

"It's not like that Cash! This is the Pre-Homecoming party I spoke to him about last week," Bridgette snapped.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" Cash shouted.

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