We Accept Your Help, Daughter Of Aleda

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Kindra spent the night in the Breen's hut after Abigail insisted. Bryant refused her hospitality and spent the night high in the trees where he felt reasonably safe from the Tarrin. At dawn, every able-bodied man who was willing set out from the village among the tears of their wives and mothers and followed Kindra up the South River to the pass.

Kindra's face itched and burned, and when she tried to scratch it through the hide, pain webbed its way through her skull. She was miserable leading this army to her death, but she would not run like a coward and leave her sister with Pike. Not after Kaye risked her life to get Fennec's spear to Kindra.

She was caught up in thoughts of the battle to come when a woman dropped out of the sky before her. Kindra jumped back into Bryant before she realized who it was.

"Celeste?" Bryant said as she looked from the Gaerlom spears bristling around them to Bryant and the spear in his hand.

"We cannot condone war," she frowned deeply, eyes still on the spear. "But we can help the injured. All of the injured." Her eyes moved to Kindra's. "Yours and theirs."

Kindra nodded and Bryant spoke again. "What about the Lady?"

"She will not stop us from healing those we can."

Kindra's good eye scanned the trees behind Celeste. "Us?"

Celeste looked up and an uncomfortable rumble went through the Gaerloms at the sight of a few dozen Faye hovering silently above their heads. With the aid of their wings to retrieve the injured, the chances of the Gaerloms getting out safely were a little greater.

Kindra looked to Celeste again. "I cannot stop you from healing the Obsidians, but don't pull me out. I don't care how injured I am—leave me in the battle. I will not be flown out and saved this time while my tribe falls around me."

Celeste bowed, wings straight out behind her. "Agreed. I will see to your face when we get through the pass."

Kindra turned to the Gaerloms and eyed them. "If anyone has a problem being healed by one of the Faye speak now. Otherwise, keep your weapons to yourself and follow me."

Not a single man said a word. Timin looked quite in awe, and Kindra turned back to Celeste. "We accept your help, Daughter of Aleda."

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