We moved to the US on the eighth of august.

I met Tia and Teo on the same day.

They were our neighbours and soon after, my mom and theirs became best friends just like Tiana and me.

It was the same dynamic. My mom and I couldn't speak English but Tia and Diane could but we made it work and they helped us learn.

Dad spent all his money on buying a nice house for us and it was nice. Beautiful infact.

It was five bedrooms, they both wanted more kids so they thought they needed them but after mom got ovarian cancer and had a hysterectomy, they couldn't have anymore.

They always said it didn't matter because they had me and aslong as the three of us were together, we'd be okay.

That didn't age well.

The house wasn't as extravagant as the Amatos but then again we didn't have as much money. It was still beautiful though.

It was a family home, it even had the white picket fence around the yard.

Although if you have one of those fences, guard it off before letting your rabbit run around the yard. Just speaking from experience.

On that same yard is where I met Tia and Matt. Tia and I were both six and Matt was eight.

He didn't say anything to me but that was to be expected.

I always just thought it was because of my age but no, apparently that day he chose verbal violence and has used it ever since.

For the first few months of me being in the US he'd call me insults and I obviously had no idea what they meant until I got older and I suddenly understood.

I didn't speak much English at all.

I knew a few phrases like everyone learns before going on vacation, like the standard 'hi how are you' 'yes,please and no thank you' but that was it.

I did however learn the date.

The eighth of august.

And from that day on I considered that day, that number lucky.

I met my best friend that day and I moved into a house with my family.

It was a fresh start, one I didn't know I needed when I was six but now, I couldn't be more thankful for.

That's what 0808 means in angel numbers too.

A new beginning.

Fuck, the number means everything to me. It's even my passcode for my phone.

08/08 is a day I'll never forget.

It's the day my life truly started and if it wasn't for that day and us moving here, I wouldn't have found the people in my life that I now have.

I look down and study the number in his arm and my brows furrow.

How have I never seen that before?

I mean, I never really stared at his arms, truth be told, I did everything to avoid looking at them because despite me not liking him, I am still a woman.

But now the question lingers in my mind.

Why does he have the day we met permanently tattooed on his body?

It has to be for some other reason right?

Something to do with an ex girlfriend.

It can't have anything to do with me.

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