Back to the leaf!

Start from the beginning

"Normally, to use my chakra you have to fill yourself with hate or anger. When you use it in that way your seal weakens. You didn't feel hate, but I allowed you to use my chakra."

Naruto put together what he was saying, "So you did that for me why?" Kurama looked away as if searching for something, "I do not know. I am getting soft. Now go let me sleep."

Trying not to think about his conversation with Kurama. Training with Sara helped, she was a tyrant in training but he loved it. He also had clones working on different seals. He had been able to create a fire seal for his arrows. Along with a bigger explosive seal. His gravity seals were increased as well.

Naruto landed on his back from the throw his mom had just got done doing to him when he felt Kakashi's chakra. "Hey Kakashi sensei."

"Naruto, I have someone to introduce you to. This is Asuma Sarutobi. He is the only other natural wind user in the leaf village." Naruto looked at the man in excitement.

Looking the blonde over he could tell that the boy worked hard, "I can teach you a few jutsu. But my specialty is in melee combat."

Jumping up to his feet in excitement, "My specialty is ranged combat. Mainly my yumi. I am also highly trained in Kenjutsu, my wakizashi being my other preferred method of fighting." Asuma lit his cigarette and smiled, "Good I want you to make thirty clones. Kakashi said you are the best user of shadow clone jutsu."

Smiling Naruto created all thirty clones, "Good. Clones you will split into ten. I want to work on Faithful Wind Blade, Wind Gale Palm, and lastly Wind Gale Wolf." The clones nodded and began working through the jutsu while Asuma took Naruto.

"Now Naruto I want you to use these Kunai. Your goal is to throw through the dummies." Naruto looked at him confused, "Hey old man. How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"Surround your Kunai in wind chakra." Tossing the Kunai, it practically destroyed the dummy and kept flying." Naruto looked in awe before getting his bearings. "We will start here then as you progress you will add it to your wazikashi and then your arrows."

Smiling Naruto flipped a Kunai in his hand, "Hai!" Throwing the first one, Asuma was shocked to see he already has wind increasing the strength. 'This kid is incredible.'

Uchiha Compound

Mito was training with Shisui to increase her prowess with her Sharingan. Sasuke was there as well but was trying to increase his fire jutsu prowess . He had already expanded is justsu ability and gotten quite accomplished with body Flickr.

Throwing a fire ball at Shisui, the boy dodged and appeared behind Mito. Landing a kick and sending her crashing into the ground. "You still struggle with your fire ball jutsu. It's not strong or fast enough."

Mito thought about this, "Well my father wasn't an Uchiha. Maybe I have a different element?" Shisui thought for a moment, "It would explain why fire is more difficult for you. If so then you'll be closer to Jonin then anyone in your class."

The older Uchiha pulled out a peice of paper, "This is chakra paper. Feed your chakra into it and we can find your element."

Following Shisui's instructions, Mito forced her chakra through. Looking in awe as the paper crumbled apart. "what the, what's my element then?"

Shisui chuckled, "Your affinity is for earth. So we will have to get with Kakashi. Luckily your sensei has well over a thousand jutsu." She smiled before getting back to her training.

Sasuke had just arrived to spar with Mito. Overhearing her conversation with Shisui, he was glad to here that she would be able to help grow with her own affinity. Mito was strong, the only other Uchiha other then his brother and Shisui he really respected anymore.

Shikamaru was practicing his shadow mimic technique. Shikaku was glad to see that his endurance had increased with the ability. He now was practicing different ways to use his shadows. Instead of just straight lines, he also was able to throw Kunai and shiruken with the ability. Something that Shikaku had invented.

Watching his some closely though, he could tell his mind was elsewhere, "Shikamaru come here." Sitting next to his dad, and taking a water bottle he had offered, "What's wrong Shika?"

"It's troublesome. Don't worry about it?" Shikaku shook his head, "Is it about the Wave mission?"

"Son you almost died. I'd be worried if it didn't bother you." Shikamaru sighed, "It's partially that. When I thought I was going to die, I thought of someone and now I'm confused on what to think."

Raising his eyebrow, "A teammate?" Shikamaru nodded, "The Uchiha girl?" This time he shocked his dad by shaking his head, "Ah I see. So you have feelings for Naruto Uzumaki huh?"

"I'm clan heir. I shouldn't be having feelings for a boy." Shikaku chuckled, "Says who? Son you can feel what ever you want. If a boy makes you happy then we will support you."

Shikamaru fell back and looked to the sky as his dad walked away. Thinking about Naruto made him smile, "What a drag."

Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Konoha Where stories live. Discover now