11: Leave me alone

Start from the beginning


Great, send me the address!

Hoseok (Jhope):

Y/n, please respect his privacy if he wants you to. If he really still works there by himself, I don't think he will be delighted to have someone approach him...

Just keep in mind that that is his free room, don't cross the line.

The text Hoseok sent makes me think deeply. I've already crossed the line so many times. It's basically my job, because how else will I be able to complete my mission?

I don't want to scare Yoongi, so I take in Hoseok's guidance, I just don't know if I'll be able to comply with it.


Yeah of course. I'll be considerate.

Hoseok then sends me the address and I get up from my bed, getting dressed immediately.

I reach the address Hoseok sent me, but I'm not confident that I'll find Yoongi here. The map on my phone is directing me down an alley. It's not a dirty one, but a dark and secluded one. It goes deep and there's no people. There are a few doors leading to what I suppose are apartments or the back door of some of the shops bordering the alley.

I get to a door with a large window next to it. The window is toned, so I get closer to it. I place my forehead on it and use my hands to shield the light from my eyes. I cannot see much, but I can tell a big table with lots of buttons on. I can also slightly get the idea of a small piano and a microphone laying on top of it.

This might be it, I think but the defeat well over me before I even get to be excited.

There's no lights on. He's not here. Maybe he hasn't been here for years, Hoseok wasn't sure if he still used this and now I'm not either.

What famous music producer would come to a place like this anyway? It doesn't seem quite expensive and there are no people around. Why would Yoongi be here if he is a professional and works in a company that can easily rent him his own studio?

Notwithstanding my thoughts, I decide to stay and wait for a while.

Maybe he will come, maybe he won't but for now this is my biggest lead as to where I can find him.

So I sit down on the street, not really happy with it but I'm going to be here for a while. I just downloaded a new game on my iPhone which I quite enjoy and maybe time will pass by quickly if I just play that.

But it doesn't.

Even though I've now been sitting in my spot for about one and a half hour, I feel like I've been sitting there for an entire day and night. My butt hurts and my neck too, from looking down at my phone for too long.

I get up from my spot and stretch my body which feels stiff. I dust off my butt and use the camera on my phone to check if there's anything left on it.

"Excuse me." Someone says and I jump in my spot. I hide my phone at once while blood rush up in my cheeks.

Fuck this is so embarrassing, I think as it might've looked like I took pictures of my butt.

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now