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I sighed and stared at the dirty wall. The Venom members sighed too but they had sighs of irritation. 

Venom 1: Answer me god damn it!

I stayed silent staring at the wall.

Venom 1: God i just ought to-

He pulled his gun out, pressing it against my forehead. I still refused to meet his eyes. If i did it would only mean i was open for conversing. 

Venom 2: Put your gun down. Boss will not be happy. 

Boss as in Jian. God the plot twist surely fucked up everyone back at base. But turns out that one thing happened to be true from the entire party fiasco yesterday. Venom was planning on overthrowing the Alphas in two days. 

But now only one day was left. 

Clearly Jian was smart. He knew what he was doing very clearly. And for sure he had everything planned out. Taeyong better plan this out clearly. 

The door opened and i looked up seeing Jian. He entered while removing his gloves. 

Jian: For sure Taeyong would be coming here. He better be ready because i am planning to end him for once and for all.

I just stared at him. 

Jian: If he is not coming i will be video calling your death to him.

He said with a sinister grin. 

Haesoo: You are really making this very cliché. You have no new ideas?

He rolled his eyes.

Jian: Why are you so tough to talk to?

Haesoo: I wonder.

He groaned again before looking at his men. 

Jian: Keep an eye on her. 

Venom 2: Yes boss!

I could only snicker. They all sent a glare in my direction. But once Jian left they slumped against the wall and closed their eyes. Only three guys, this shouldn't be so hard. I looked at the pole around which my hands were tied. 

I started moving my hands in attempts to cut the rope off due to the friction. My eyes kept going back to the guards just to make sure they were not watching me. If they woke up now, they would understand what i was doing. My hands were behind my back and because of that struggle it was obvious. 

But a sudden snap made me lean against the pole as they sat up. My hands were free now with the rope loosely hanging off my hands.

Venom 3: What was that?

Haesoo: I am thirsty.

He groaned standing up and getting the glass of water while the other two engaged in a conversation. The third guard got me my water and i accepted it with my free hand. He seemed dumb enough to have not noticed. But one of the other two did.

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