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I sat down at the dining table. With finding out who was in the picture i had lesser work to do. Now the only thing i was busy with was finding Venom positions. 

But with Jian found out to be still alive, Taeyong might have had a slight anger tantrum. He was mad and called in Johnny who got lots of scoldings, since he was in charge of killing Jian, which me and Nari listened to.

He was still in the office poor man, and here i was going to eat dinner. 

Just as i was about to eat the girl next to me nudged me. I froze with the chopsticks that held my egg roll midway.

Xiaojun: Yes Haesoo?

Haesoo: Feed me.

Xiaojun: What?

I frowned and looked around to see that she only had me next to her. The others at the table were already occupied in their respective conversations. I looked back at her.

Xiaojun: Where's your brother?

Haesoo: In his room. He is getting ready to go out with Aeri.

Xiaojun: Taeyong allowed that?

Haesoo: Apparently its close so yeah. Now will you help a wounded woman or not. 

I rolled my eyes and put my chopsticks down, picking hers and feeding her. I groaned right after.

Xiaojun: I better get paid for this. 

Haesoo: heyyourj-justhelpin-

Xiaojun: Close your mouth and eat, girl. 

The girl rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat. She swallowed the food and i used the spoon to scoop up some rice and meat. I raised it to her mouth but she first glared at me.

Haesoo: You are mean.

I raised an eyebrow.

Xiaojun: Well then how about you find yourself another feeding partner-

She scoffed before taking the bite.

Haesoo: Put more meat.

She said while I scooped up more rice. I looked at her momentarily.

Xiaojun: Of course. Want any thing else your HIGHNESS?

She rolled her eyes but nevertheless smiled.

Haesoo: Wow so funny dude.

Xiaojun: Okay. So i am mean and i am funny. Anything else?

Haesoo: You understand sarcasm?

Xiaojun: ... Okay.

She scoffed again but remained silent for the rest of the time, much to my satisfaction. 


Taeyong: Alright, now we know that Jian is alive and working with Venom. Maybe we can consider the fact that anyone if escaped from the attack we had on Moonlight Ruins they are with Venom. We will need more hands, since we are not enough... through a well... friend, i have asked Seventeen to help us.

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