"No, no, not a bother at all, ask away."

I let out a relieved sigh, "Well, your majesty, I was working today as usual, when a young boy came through. His name was Zak, I believe? At first he seemed normal, if a little more scared than others, but when he saw me, he kept insisting we had known each other in life. Not only known each other, but had been partners."

I pause to look at the High Demon, surprised to see a mix of annoyance and fear on his face. Waiting a moment, I continue. "I thought he was just scared, but he was so insistent. I just wanted to ask you about him. Is it true that I knew him?"

Phil waits a moment to respond, leaving us in awkward silence. Finally, he speaks up. "Since you're new here, I know quite a lot about your life, and I can confirm, you most definitely did not have a lover, especially named Zak. The boy was delirious, can you blame him? He'd just died. I say forget about it, and I apologize for the stress it may have caused."

He speaks quickly, as if trying a little too hard to convince me that what he says is true. Still, it's not like I can argue with who is basically the king of the Nether.

I bow my head. "Thank you. I apologize for any inconvenience I caused you."

He eyes me suspiciously. "Not a problem, have a good rest of your night."

I nod, slipping through the doors.

The black and white man is still outside, and at the sight of me, he straightens up.

"I hope it went well, whatever you had to say. I'll show you to the exit now."

I would probably be able to find my way back without help, but with my exhaustion catching up to me, I'm grateful for the guidance.

Once we reach the front entrance, I'm off with a smile and a wave.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

I have only a few more hours before work, but still need someone to talk to. I have to get this off my chest.

Messaging a quick paragraph to one of my only friends, I wait patiently for him to arrive.

Other than my daily job, I haven't been out much. Sure, I get to meet a lot of people, but they're all angels. People I can't be friends with.

Still, on my first day in my new job, I'd come home in tears, devastated by the expressions of the people who I had to see after they'd just died.

Quackity had seen me, and invited me into his house. We talked and laughed over tea, and have been friends ever since.

Which has only been about a week, but still.

A knock sounds on my front door, and without any energy to get up, I just shout through the house.

"Come in!" My voice is hoarse and tired.

A few seconds later, my bedroom door creaks open to show my only friend, a worried expression on his face.

"Hey Bad, is everything ok? You seemed a little off in your message."

"I'm fine, just wanted your opinion on something." I sit up, smiling at him.

Unlike other demons who have black wings, Quackity's are a cute pale yellow, like a duck's. It almost makes me think he's an angel in disguise.

I'm not sure why this is, but I've learned that demons never like it when you ask personal details like that, so it's best I just don't ask.

The other thing about him is that he's always wearing a dark blue beanie that says LAFD on the front in white stitching, which is quite strange considering the constant blazing temperatures in the Nether.

Loved You In Another Life // A Skephalo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now