Mom: ok, now go find Winston

Yes i had told my mother about wanting Winston as my male, at first she was worried because he was disfigured, but after telling her my reasoning she accepted and supported me. I separated from my family and walked around trying to find him without luck until i saw him under a secluded tree away from all the commotion looking down as if wanting to disappear in the darknes this made my resolve to make him mine even stronger, so i quietly walked towards him with slow but firm steps, but when i was in ear range i saw a ligth purple haired female aproach him with arrogance, that must be Rosa, and just then she started talking like she was the best in this world.

Rosa: Winston, have you made your desition to become my guardian.

Winston: i already told you, im not interested.

Rosa: don't lie, with that ugly face no one will take you as a mate, not even a guardian, if not for me who else will take you.

Iris: i will!!

At that they turned towards me who was now standing cople steps away.

Rosa: you ugly female don't get involved, this male will be my guardian!!!-said with anger-

Iris: oh my~... Looks like someone never saw her self at the river bank~ oh and last time i checked he didn't agree to be your guardian wich means he is free.

Rosa: you insolent female!!! Dont you know i am the tiger princess!?!?

Iris: oh well spoiled brat of a princess run back to daddy and tell him the leopard princess sends her regards.

And with that the spoiled bitch ran away living me with a very shoked winston. I turned towards him smiled and said.

Iris: Im sorry you had to see that, my name is Iris.

Winston: thank you

Then he turned away and started walking, but i held his arm and said.

Iris: you know what i said earlier was true.

Winston was shocked turned around and asked
Winston: you want me as guardian??

I shock my head no and said

Iris: i want you as a male

I swear if his eyes could pop out they would be roling on te dirt.

Winston: why would you, im scary and ugly.

Iris: you are not ugly Winston, that scar docen't make you ugly, it is proof of how stong and brave you actually are, its a reminder that you would do anithyng for those you hold close to your hart, no matter what.

At this point thick tears were rolling down his cheeks, so i wiped them with my free hand, cuped his cheek and asked with a smile.

Iris: now answer me would you be my first male?
Winston returned my smile and said

Wiston: yes
Hearing this i got on my tipi-toes, wraped my arms around his neck and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips that left him totaly astonished for a second, after which he slowly wraped his arms around my waist and held me carefully but tigthly as if i would banish in thin air any second. The kiss heated up and i bit his lower lip softly to what he opened his mouth leaving a big enough gap for me to introduse my tongue starting a batle for dominance to wich i lost since i felt his not so little friend starting to harden against my thighs wish told me it was time to stop and go back to the bonfire, so we separated panting for air, and after getting enough i told him.

Iris: lets finish this later, now we should head back to the bonfire.

He noded in agrement and we walked back. When we reached my parents i sat to the left of my mother and told her Winston had accepted to be my male to wich she smiled, and gave him permission to sit with us for the remaining of the party. I called winston over and he sat beside me on the floor, i did not like that but it is the rigth thing to do since this is my parents fire. Douring the bonfire many males came to propose to my mother and i but i did not accept any of them since i want to spend some time with Winston at our den, yup i already had a den my mother thought it would be wise to let me live at a cave near the leopard castle for protection until i had enough males, i just didint furnish it yet. I pent the rest of the time making small talk with winston, and feeding each other until it was time to go back. My mother let us stay at my room today since it is to late for us to furnish our den, thus we headed to my secluded room, wich was full of potery, knitted murals and cotton yars everywhere. When Winston saw my room he was astonished by all the things inside wich made me chuckle calling his attention to me.

Iris: i made all this things, they are gifts to my parents, my mother always talks about how boring the castle is, so i made the murals so she could hang them around, the pottery is mainly for my mother's male Marcus since he needs them to store herbs, but the big ones are decorations for mother.

He looked at me like he did not believe me, but nodded non the less. I chuckled, went to my jewelry pouch and put my jelery inside and went back to Winston, led him to my furr pile and said with a smile.

Iris: let's sleep, there is too much work tomorrow.

Winston: ok

I smiled and gave him a kiss. After that i laid on the bed and saw as he turned into a giant white tiger and climbed on the bed curling around me, his furr was so soft i had to pet him, wich earned me happy purrs, i swear he migth just be a huge kitten instead of a tiger, and with those tough i fell asleep.

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