1. You Dumb BiT- ACK

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Author Pov

After another battle with the marines, everyone was exploring a new island. Zoro, Chopper, and Yn are seen looking around the forest.

"Why the fuck did I get tied to you again," Zoro asks. A rope is connecting him and Yn.

"For the last time, you have no sense of direction Zoro" Yn says rolling her eyes. Zoro gains a tic mark till a glow surrounded Chopper.

"AAAAAAHHH, GUYS IT'S PULLING ME. HELLLPPP" Chopper Yell, Yn, and Zoro grab hold, but then the forest they were once in goes silent.

Somewhere else

"Are you sure about this?" An orange smoke asks.

"They will help destroy him...

Afo will fall."

"Ya, but maybe filling them in would have worked better?"


"You forgot about that, didn't you?"


Yn Pov

I woke up in a place with tall buildings. This place looks so advanced. It was so cool.

"N/nnnnn, I thought you dieddddd." Chopper says, I hit my head pretty hard. I saw Zoro napping next to me. I pinched his nose shut, and he smacked my hand away.

"Leave me alone till you figure out where we are."

"What do we do, N/n?"

After a while , Zoro knocked out random thugs. Chopper was scared and hid in my bad. Then Zoro and I searched for a library. Lucky for me, the rope survived.

The streets were crowded, and people called Zoro a cosplayer. They ask where he got his face swords and other weird things. I had to shut him up with sake.

No marines. No pirates. No revolutionary. And no such person as Gol Roger.

I went back with books, and we found a small book store to sit in. Chopper looked at their doctor's books, and I analyzed a scroll that was in my bag.

Something something Afo. What or who is Afo. It said all we had to is defeat him, but where's it at? What does it look like? What does Afo stand for?




With that, we got free books and money from this place. What a nice man. He just gave everything to use for free. That's what Zoro said, tho. I never saw the man before we left.

Oh well

I don't care. He yelled at Chopper. As we walked, some 'villain' was robbing a store. I was in thought about the concept when I was snatched up. Zoro grabbed my bag and watched as the man held a knife to my throat.

"Don't worry, sir. we'll get your friend back." A man with a body made of wood.
"Let the girl go coward!"

"Poor girl."

"She looks to be in shock."

"She must be so scared. "

Little did they know I was just trying to figure out why they called their abilities quirks. Why? There was no jingle to it.

Now devil fruits make sense, but quirks? No. A big buff guy and a fire guy tried to save me. It back fired.

Zoro just watched, a sake in his hand. He had my bags of books and stuff we HAD PERMISSION TO TAKE. According to zoro. He also had my normal bag, I saw Chopper watching eating cotton candy.

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