3. Turning of events

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Authors note-
Heyy guys, this chapter I am going to write differently. You will see what I mean when you read this chapter. Enjoy!
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Saturday - 18-2-23

Today I had a busy day. First I had a match, my team lost with 13-11.

Also I found out that my sport is a mix of basketball and netball.

After the match I had some time to shower and eat. Then I went to work, I work at a grocery shop.

After work the club where I play my sport organised a casino evening. (I am sorry if you get error from reading this sentence but I didn't know how to write it in another way)

It wasn't much fun but it was okay I guess. We then went with some people from the casino evening to the Mac Donald's.

I ordered a vanilla milkshake. Everyone ordered drinks or ice cream.

After that everyone went home.

So that happened today. Like I said, busy day, at least for me.

Yesterday at school when school was over, me and some of my friends stayed at school.

Because Ivy has a quinceanera coming up. It's a party like with sweet sixteen, so when it's your birthday. Only with a quinceanera it's when you become 15.

So we need to practice a dance from her culture, so we can dance that at her quinceanera.

But everyone was done with school at different times and we needed to wait an hour.

I thought we weren't going to wait and that Ivy would already practice with us so I could go home.

Because I needed to baby sit at my neighbours in the evening.

So in that hour we didn't really do anything, maybe for 20 minutes, but that was it.

And I was so tired and just wanted to go home.

But they asked if we could do it one more time, because the people that still had class came and they wanted to start practicing.

I was so done at this point.

Because I was tired and just wanted to enjoy my free time.

And then my dance partner, Amira...

She was like "we are done now, if you want to go, go" but she said that angry like what kind of bitch is she.

And I was like "okay" and then I grapped my stuff and got out.

And when I was about to walk trough the door she said "bye bitch" and I was shocked that she even talked to me, also what kind of disrespect is that...?

And then I said "says who, you? First look at yourself" and then I slammed the door shut and walked out of there and got home.

Of course more happened but I don't want to go in detail.

I almost cried because I really hate when I feel like people disrespect, shout at me or are being rude to me.

It gives me such an annoying feeling and I feel like everything is my fault and that I am the problem.

Ivy texted me when I got home and asked me if I even liked practicing.

I told her that I really like it but that I was just so tired and that Amira is getting on my nerves a lot lately.

I also told Ivy that Amira sometimes acts angry at me or aggressive. And that I really don't like it because I feel like she is taking out her anger on me.

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