1. First chapter

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Authors note- Heyy guys, this is the first real chapter of the book. Since I won't use my real name, I am also not gonna use any real names of the people who are gonna be in this book. With that being said, let's start this diary!

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Today it's Saturday. I really like the people in my class at school. Since this school year I have a new class. So I made some new friends!

But the girl I became friends with first (from my new class) is really getting on my nerves. Her name is Amira.

So she had a pen and one time she explained me the work in class and left her pen. So I took it and I am writing with it ever since.

People always ask me if they can borrow my pens. So when Amira asked I of course said yes. When she gave it back I told her it was her pen and I really liked writing with it, since writing with that pen went really smooth.

She then looked kinda angry but in a way like she wasn't really angry, more in a funny way. She then took the pen back and has kept it ever since.

I get that she took it back since it was her pen in the first place. But what she did after that really surprised me.

The next day, I think that was yesterday. She came to school with the same kind of pen, but it was a new one.

Amira gave the pen to me and said that since I really liked writing with it she got me one that I could keep. Of course I was happy, I could have gotten my own one at the store but I am to lazy for that :).

So the next couple of hours at school I was writing with it.

We had history almost at the end of the school day and Amira came to me and asked me if she could borrow a pen since she didn't had one.

I then gave my pencil case to her and said she could just take one. Another guy in my group, yes we sit in groups, said to Amira something like "ohhh, she is treating you like a dog" because I said she could take a pencil out of my pencil case. He was joking of course.

I then said "well she is a dog, just joking". Amira then looked mad again and grabbed the pen that she gave to me earlier that day. I was mad because she GAVE me the pen, so I could KEEP it.

She never gave the pen back and I am kind of pissed because she always does things like this.

Like acting mad for nothing, only to me. She doesn't treat the other people from our class like that.

It annoys me.

She is acting like a 9 year old. And I don't know what to do.

I feel like it's my fault and then I think, it's not okay to treat friends like that. I mean if I was Amira I wouldn't be so mad about it.


Today I was working early in the morning. I work at a grocery shop. I was working at like 8 am till 11 am.

I made some new friends at work a couple weeks ago and it was really fun working today because one of them was working the same time as me.

Dear Diary... Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt