𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

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Agatha had to sleep in a dorm with other girls but because Silvia was eighteen, she got her own sleeping quarters. Guess she was a little lucky. The room was spacious with a wardrobe already filled with gowns. The window had a balcony that faced the other school which looked darker than usual at night. Silvia looked over the banister of the balcony to see someone being chased by what seemed to be an Evil cupid. Silvia wanted to help so she found a way down safely and chased after the two. She saw the girl smash through the glass so Silvia followed through. "Agatha?" "Silvia?" The two girls whispered, obviously surprised to see the other.

They both then heard footsteps approaching so they hid behind the stone railing. "All right princess what's so important that we had to treck all the way up here. I'm in heels you know." It was Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey. What the hell are they on about? "It's the younger readers. They insist that they are not supposed to be where they are." Readers? Silvia was confused on what was happening. She made eye contact with Agatha who had the same confused look as her. "And the older one, Silvia, she looks so much like Tedros. And it can't be a coincident she was placed in the school for good and look like the future King of Camelot." Silvia accidentally gasped at this and the two Deans looked up where the girls were hiding. Not seeing anything due to the darkness, they just ignored it.

Agatha smacked Silvia upside the head. They continued to listen in until they left. Lady Lesso gave one look up where the girls were with a glare before leaving as well, closing the door shut. Silvia let out a breath of air she didn't realise she was holding in. "I swear she knew." Silvia stated as the two girls stood up to leave. "Oh really? I didn't notice with the glare she gave us before they left." Agatha replied, obviously pissed that they nearly got caught for being out of bed after curfew. "Well I'm off, you better get your ass to bed as well." Silvia told Agatha who nodded. But before they could, the room turned dark and a breeze came through. The floor turned into literal blood and the two girls hid once again, hoping to not be caught. The blood turned into a weird statue before transforming into a man with dark eyes and a blood red coat. "Stay away from Sophie, she's mine!" Was all the guy said before everything went back to normal.

"We have to go get Sophie. She's in trouble." Silvia spoke, panic in her voice and quite frankly written all over her face. Agatha nodded and the two girls snook out of the library to go get Sophie out of this obviously dangerous place.

Silvia ran in front, wanting to get over this bridge quickly and get her sister to safety. "SOPHIE!" Silvia screamed, panicked for her sisters and friends safety. "VIA! AGGIE!" Sophie screamed, causing Silvia and Agatha to look up to see Sophie. The two girls smiled as Sophie ran down. But suddenly the two girls hid as the school master came out from the doors. He walked over to the tower in the middle and walked up some magic steps that appeared when he stepped up. He soon disappeared into the tower and the two girls came out of their hiding place. Sophie soon joined them and they started to walk towards the tower where they had just seen the school master go into a few minutes prior. But they were stopped in their tracks as a grey sort of smoke surrounded the eldest girl. "What's happening?" Sophie asked. "I don't-" Was all Silvia was able to reply with before being teleported into a random place. "SILVIA!" Sophie and Agatha screamed, worry in both of their voices.

The surroundings were unfamiliar to Silvia as she tried to move about, but realised she was sat in a singular wooden chair with chains strapping her down to make her unable to escape. Silvia noticed the row of weapons lying a few metres away from the girl as she oh so desperately wanted to escape. She heard tutting from the dark corner of the room. And out came a figure she knew all to well. "You actually thought you wouldn't get caught hiding behind the railing? Pathetic. Now, what to do with you?" Lady Lesso spoke with a bit of a playful tone in her voice and a smirk placing itself upon her lips.

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