Chapter 9 - Initiation Test (Part 1)

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Earth, Singapore,

Kai Burner

I feel my gut wrench and twist, my breathing hasten, and my fingers tremble. I know I'll pass the test, but trepidation starts to kick in like someone with a fear of heights about to take off on a rollercoaster ride, even though he knows he will probably survive. After a moment's hesitation, I finally touch the paper, immediately feeling something take over me. I try resisting, but it doesn't work.

Words start to scribble and form on the paper, and the first statement becomes intelligible.

I believe I am a good person

To be honest, I don't know if I am. Truna said the test would begin harmlessly, and yet it's only the first statement and I am already unsure. My fingers hover to the yes option and press it. The statement then slowly turns transparent until it disappears, and the next statement starts to form.

I believe evil denizens can learn to be good

Another interesting statement. First of all, I don't even know what the word denizens mean, but my fingers press the yes option anyway. It's good to know that this magic somehow enhances my vocabulary on its own accord, though my soul somehow knows the word but not my conscious self. The statement disappears again on contact, and another one starts to appear.

Every evil denizen should be killed

Very questionable difficulty for a third statement, I wonder what statement three hundred will be. I answer a no in my head, and much to my reassurance, my fingers touch the no option as well.

"I'm really excited to see Kai's affinities," says Syrene.

"You think he will have more than one affinity?" Questions Truna, with her delicate fingers spread around the side of her cheek.

"Definitely. I believe he's something. He could even hear us under your Vinealyze."

"Perhaps... But to even have one affinity's a one in a million chance. Two affinities would be a one in two million chance."

Syrene tremolos her reply, "I believeeeee in himmmmmmmm...!"

"Same here," says Sibilar. "I think it's because we can sense his aura, which for a beginner without aura training or a class, is quite impressive."

Syrene nods fervently.

"I wonder..." Says Mossun. "Maybe it's in the missing scripture of the lore."

"You think the missing scriptures explain why there's some magic on Earth?" Says Nagayi.

"Yes..." Mutters Mossun. "If you think about it, all scriptures of the lore were once missing, left by Ancient Ossaria a hundred thousand years ago, found by adventurers through the years, compiled, examined, and put in order by Tinkers. We know that our lore is incomplete. What if it's in the scriptures yet to be discovered?"

"That is a possibility, Mossun." Replies Truna. "But it's been five hundred years since another scripture has been discovered."

"Yet there's still a few pages missing.." Says Syrene, "I am pretty sure it is in Omkaro."

"The world of beasts?" I doubt Ancient Omkaro had anything to do with the lore scriptures.

"Don't forget, Ancient Omkaro and Ancient Ossaria were very very close."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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