Chapter 8 - Preparations Initiation Test

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Earth, Singapore,

Kai Burner

"So you're telling me...." Said the chocolate skinned lady, with a hint of suspicion in her voice, "that whenever you're angry or upset, your magic releases?"

"Y—Yes, I think so," I say.

"Syrene, this doesn't make any sense," she says, all lithe and majestic. Even her mannerisms and gestures, the way she turns to face Syrene, screams royal to me.

"I know, Truna," said Syrene softly. Syrene looks so angelic and innocent, a stark contrast to Truna. She reminds me much like Ms Tina, except I can sense a hidden strength from within her. "Too bad Tosturm isn't here to advise us.."

"What is..Tosturm?" I ask curiously, then I rub my head. A throbbing migraine hits after just being awoken from this enchanted sleep.

"It is a magical summon. Like a familiar," Syrene attempts to explain.

"Umm.. Okay." I don't understand what she says, but I'm a bit afraid to ask further. Around these magical beings from another world, ones that have perfected their craft, I somehow feel inferior.

"Some classes are able to summon monsters that they have summoning pacts with," Syrene continues. "Well, technically it isn't really a pact, considering the spell Summoning Pact actually forcefully binds the weak souls of these beasts into an alternate realm for future uses. But the casters still have to care for them, feed them, or they'll die."

I just blink at her, both amazed and confused at this whole new world of magic. After seconds of thinking, I finally ask,

"So why is Tosturm not here, and who does it belong to?"

"It belongs to Karkas, he's the Supreme of all Soul Tamers. Unfortunately, he's on a mission now in Ossaria and won't be able to help us."


"Yes, that is the world we come from," says Syrene.

"I don't think Karkas would have been able to help us out in any way anyway," said Truna. "Mossun, remind me to speak to Wefurn about this mysterious unknown magic. Maybe he overlooked some of the data."

One of the five, wearing a blue colour hood, looking mysterious and enigmatic, nods and speaks,


"But Wefurn doesn't overlook anything. And the lore, like you said, already states there isn't magic on Earth," says Syrene.

"I know but.." Truna says, then keeps quiet, looks at me and just stares into my eyes. It's like she can see deep into my soul. I wonder what she'll think of me when she finds out about my upbringing. Uncomfortable by her stare, because it feels like comparison, as she is superior, and I, inferior, I turn away and instead ask Syrene,

"Will I be able to summon monsters too?"

She looks much amused by my question, so she smiles and sits beside me on a stool.

"I guess we'll have to find out." She smiles really wide until her eyes almost disappear.

"Oh, the Initiation test?" I ask.

"How would you even know about that?" Questions Truna. She folds her arms and steps closer.

"I heard you guys talking before I woke up," I mutter, remembering her previously saying that unless someone was powerful, they wouldn't be able to hear them. A pang of fear hits me as I tell her.

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