Chapter 20

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I was lost without Liz around to bark orders at me. I was unsure of what to do with myself, so I spent more time at work, partly for something to do, but also for the money. For the time being, I was still staying with Marissa and Scott. Derek was checking in with me regularly also to make sure I was okay.

I was about half way done with my work when I got paged to the front of the store for a phone call. I didn't know who would call me at work.

"This is Aimee," I said, as I picked up the phone at the service desk.

"Aimee! Thank god I caught you! Liz is out on bail. Please, please, please be careful coming home. Pull your car into the garage too. We will keep our cars out so you can park in there. Liz showed up here looking for you about an hour ago." Marissa said frantically.

My heart fell. "Um. Okay, thanks for the warning. I'll be careful. I'll text you when I'm leaving work, okay?"

"OK, sounds good. I got a hold of Derek too, so he knows she is out. We don't know who posted bail for her, but someone did."

I hung up the call just as Rick appeared at the front of the store.

"Aimee? Whats wrong?"

"Liz is out on bail." I said nervously.

"Do you need anything? What can I do?"

"Nothing right now. I may miss a few shifts until things settle down. I'll keep you in the loop with what's going on."

"I'd really appreciate that. Why don't you head out now? Be safe on your drive home."

I nodded, gathered my belongings, then headed to my car. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and powered it on. 82 text messages came through and 14 voicemails... all from Liz. I was terrified, then I remembered she had a tracker on my phone from when we were still together. I quickly powered my phone off. I headed back inside and called Marissa from the work phone to tell her my phone would be off for the time being.

I went home, changed, then headed out with Marissa to the phone store. My credit was bad, but I got a new phone and transferred my stuff from Liz's phone to my new one. The new phone wasn't anything fancy. It was an older model, but it would work for what I needed. I also got a new phone number, so Liz couldn't contact me.

Back at the house, I remained downstairs in the room Liz and I used to have together. I sent out text messages to Rick and Derek, giving them my new number and to let them know I made it home okay. I curled up on the bed and watched TV until I fell asleep.

I heard yelling later in the evening, which woke me up. I froze the second I heard her voice. Liz was at the door.

"I know she is here! Just let me talk to her."

"No. You are not welcome here anymore." Marissa said.

"Aimee!" Liz shouted into the house.

I buried myself deeper into the blankets and clicked off the TV. I knew she couldn't hear it, but I didn't want to take my chances if she got into the house.

"You need to leave or we are calling the police." Scott said sternly.

"Fuck you and your bullshit. You're a fucking piece of work, both of you are." Liz said.

I heard the door close and footsteps coming down the stairs. Marissa walked into the room, then sat down on the bed.

"She's gone Aimee. It's okay."

I peeked out of the blankets and looked at her.

"She really did a number on you, didn't she?" Marissa asked quietly.

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