Chapter 18

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For the next two weeks, things were terrible. If I did anything wrong at all, I got smacked around. I took too long in the shower, was late getting to the car after work, didn't cook food fast enough, didn't do as I was told, or whatever else she came up with. I learned I was in the wrong quickly. I was growing to hate Liz. I hated myself more for trusting her and falling in love with her. Trying to date someone I had met in juvie was the worse idea I had ever had in my life.

I worked my shift with no issues. Being sore at work had become my new normal. I nodded to Rick as I headed out of the store.

"Aimee wait!" Rick yelled.

I stopped outside on the sidewalk and watched Liz nervously. Rick came out a few seconds later.

"Aimee, I'm really worried about you. Is everything okay with you?"

I glanced over at Liz, who was now sitting tall in the driver's seat with her window down. "I'm fine. Everything is fine."

"Don't lie to me, Aimee. I know something is off with you. Just talk to me, tell me what is going on. If something is going on, I'll do whatever I can to help you."

"I can't right now, but I will later, I promise." I said, then darted to the car.

Liz sat there for a moment,glaring at Rick, who remained on the sidewalk.

"Who the hell is that?" Liz growled.

"That's my boss. He wanted to know if everything was okay. I told him everything was fine."

Liz glared at me, her eyes full of suspicion. She finally started the car, then drove out of the lot and headed for home. In the apartment, I set into my routine. I changed out of my work clothes, cooked dinner, cleaned the apartment, then went to the bedroom. Liz came in and forced herself on me, which was part of the daily routine. I hated this part of my night. Liz took her time tonight because I was off work the following day.

We laid on the couch together the following day when there was a knock on the door. Liz got up and answered the door. I recognized Marissa's voice and suddenly realized I was excited to see her. My face lit up with a smile when she rounded the corner and took a seat. I felt her eyes roaming my body. Liz came and sat down next to me and must have noticed Marissa looking me over. She leaned down and picked up the blanket off the floor, then covered me with it before pulling me tight against her. Marissa's eyes met mine for a moment, and I knew she knew something was going on. She had seen the bruises on me.

"So what's up?" Liz asked.

"I was just in the area, and I haven't seen or heard from you two in a long time. Figured I'd swing by and see how you were doing."

"We are good. Aimee has been working a lot. She works during the day and I work at night now."

"That's good." Marissa seemed to force out.

Liz and Marissa chatted for a long while. Marissa occasionally would pull me into the conversation, but I only answered when Liz loosened her grip on my arm under the blanket. She was digging her nails into my skin, which hurt, but I dealt with it and tried to hide my discomfort from Marissa.

Marissa left a few hours later. I cooked dinner, cleaned, then headed to my room. As I laid on the bed, I played games on my phone. I could hear Liz and her fuck buddy messing around, so I knew I was safe for a little while. I clicked my screen on and noticed a message.

"Aimee, are you okay? You didn't seem okay..." The message read from Marissa.

I stared at the message, then spilled the beans. "No. I'm not okay, but Liz CANNOT find out I'm talking to you about this."

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