Chapter 15

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I stormed into the bedroom and tossed some stuff into my bag. I was fuming with anger. I couldn't believe I had fallen in love and almost married Liz. She was so cruel and cold. She didn't deserve me like had said. I deserved better than this, and I wasn't about to stick around and be treated like shit.

Liz came in and closed the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing up my stuff. I told you I'm done. I'm not gonna let you treat me like shit anymore. I thought what we had was real and that you honestly loved me, but I guess I was wrong."

"You're not wrong. I love you and want you more than anything."

"More than anything? Clearly not more than your drinks, your drugs and your fuck buddies."

"Aimee, damn it, I'm trying, okay?"

"Trying what? To push me away?"

"No. I'm trying to change. You just need to give me time."

"I have given you time! I've been waiting and waiting for you to realize I am here and I wanted you." I said as I yanked the zipper on the bag closed and flung it over my shoulder. I took a step towards the door.

"I'm sorry, Aimee, but you aren't leaving me. I won't let you."

"Excuse me?! You can't force me to stay!"

Liz moved towards me and yanked my bag off my shoulder. She grabbed my hands and gripped them tightly, and she shoved me hard down on the bed. She shifted and pinned me down. I struggled under her, trying to push her off me, but it was no use.

"Are you going to stay with me, or are you gonna try to leave?"

"I'm fucking leaving."

"Okay, I'm sorry for what is gonna happen next."

Liz shot up and darted out of the room. I picked up my bag, then headed out into the kitchen to find my purse and keys were gone. I glared at Liz. She was kneeling by her safe that was in the closet. I didn't have a key to it, but I knew that's where she had put my purse and keys. She stood and wandered over to her phone. I listened as she talked to someone on the phone, then hung up.

"Liz, give me my fucking stuff. I'm gonna call the police if you don't."

"Oh yeah? How are you going to do that without a phone?"

I then realized my phone had been in my purse. Shit. I thought to myself. How could I be so stupid to leave my phone in my purse? A few minutes later, a guy walked into the apartment.

"Whats up?"

"I need you to keep her here. I have to run to the store. She is not safe to be alone right now. I can't trust that she won't try to get some alcohol. Just keep her here at all costs and no alcohol." Liz lied.

"Okay, will do."

"I won't be gone long. Maybe ten minutes. Call me if you need anything."

Liz walked out the door and I contemplated darting out behind her, but I couldn't take on both her and this guy. I stormed off into the bedroom and closed the door. A second later, he flung the door open and watched me as I curled up on the bed. He made me nervous as he stood across the room, watching my every move.

Liz returned, and her friend left. She positioned herself in the bedroom doorway as she switched out the door lock. I didn't understand what she was doing until she was done. She had installed a lock on the door that only unlocked from the outside. I remained on the bed as she came into the room.

"I will call your boss and get your stuff sorted out until you come to your senses."

I listened as she told Rick that I was struggling with alcohol and would probably go into a treatment facility. She told him she didn't know how long I'd be out from work, then hung up after the conversation ended.

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant