"Hey Derek. I know it's late, but I need to talk to you. You said if I ever needed anything, I could reach out to you."

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Well, I'm in the emergency room, and was wondering if you could come visit me up here. I kinda would prefer to talk to you face to face."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

About ten minutes later, a staff member escorted him into my room.

"Oh my god, Aimee your arm! What happened?" Derek said as he sat down.

I looked at Derek then Marissa before I answered.

"Um... well... Liz has been abusing me for about the past nine months. She broke my arm tonight..." I forced myself to admit.

"I'm gonna kill her." He said, then he shot to his feet, spun around and left the room.

Ten minutes later, a police officer walked in to my room.

"Aimee Holt?"

"Yes, Sir."

"We just had an altercation in the lobby. One party is saying it was because you have been in an abusive relationship. Can I talk to you about that?"

"Yes, Sir." I choked out nervously.

"Do you know Liz Mason and Derek Mason?"

"Yes sir. Liz is my girlfriend. Or well, I guess was my girlfriend. Derek is her brother and a friend of mine."

"What happened that you are here tonight?"

"Liz broke my arm. She has been physically abusive for about the past nine months."

It felt good to finally speak those words to someone who I knew could help me. The officer asked me several more questions until the staff returned and prepared to set my arm, then cast it. After they put the cast on, I remained in the room until we could figure out where I was going to go, and what to do next.

The officer returned and informed me that Liz was being brought into custody for domestic abuse. Derek came in behind the officer. His face was a bit swollen in spots. He may have gotten into a fight with Liz, but she got a few blows in on Derek. Derek sat down beside me and took my hand in his gently.

"I'm so sorry Aimee." He said. "I hate she did this to you."

Marissa excused herself to allow me and Derek some time to talk. He explained to me what had happened and how he had walked out into the waiting room to find Scott and Liz arguing. He had grabbed Liz and punched her, starting the fight. Derek would have a to deal with court and probably a fine because Liz claimed she was going to press charges on him, but the police told her she could file charges after they had her settled in.

Another 30 minutes went by, and we decided I would stay at the apartment tonight since Liz would be in jail. Marissa was going to spend the night with me and help me get my things out of the apartment in the morning. The staff finally gave me the okay to leave the emergency room after what felt like hours.

Derek stuck around as well. He slept on the couch, while Marissa and I slept in the bed. It felt weird to sleep with someone beside me, and with the door open. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Every time I heard any little noise, I shot up, thinking it was Liz coming for me. Marissa had to calm me down and remind me I was safe a couple of times throughout the night.

The next morning, we packed up all the stuff I wanted. We loaded up my car, then headed to Marissa's house. I called in the next two weeks until I felt okay to go into work. The plan was I would stay with Marissa until I could get a place of my own. Derek checked in with me multiple times a day.

When I walked into work after my time off, Rick's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the cast. He shuffled me into his office. I took a seat and explained to him everything that had happened between Liz and me. He was pissed by the time I was done explaining everything.

"Where are you staying?" he asked.

"With a friend right now."

"Tell you what Aimee, I have an idea. Let me reach out to the owner of the store and I will see what I can do for you."

I nodded, then headed back out into the store. A few hours later, I was called back into Rick's office.

"First thing, how long do you plan on working here?"

"I'm not sure. I don't have any intention of leaving soon. I need the money more now than ever and I'd need money to go anywhere."

"Well, I talked with the owner of the store. He is giving me the okay to give you some money as an advance. He's going to give you $3000.00 today so you can get in a safe living situation away from Liz. He said you can repay him starting next month and he'll only take $150 out of each check until it's paid off."


"Yeah. Also, I am guessing you need supplies for your new place, because I am guessing you don't have much. A few of us have some stuff we want to give you. I have a twin mattress which isn't in great shape, but it should get you by for a while and should be better than sleeping on the floor. Maybe some cooking stuff like pots and pans if you want those too. I'm not sure what Sam or Becky have, but they said they have a few things they want to give you, too. I'm giving you the rest of the day and tomorrow off so you can focus on finding a place to live. Maybe consider something closer to work?"

Tears rolled down my face as everything sank in. These people who barely knew me wanted to help me get out of my mess and get back on my feet. It meant the world to me to know someone cared. I thought Rick meant he would try to give me more hours or change my schedule around. Never in a million years did i imagine something like this from strangers. 

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now