Chapter 8: Snow blood

Start from the beginning

"Die you human scum." She slam her foot to the ground with enough force to made several cracks reminiscent of spiders web.

The entirety allway floor inside the ice dome is suddenly turn into ice in the blink of the eye. 'Crap!' Giza realized what was about to happend and a second later, multiple ice spike spontaneously - easily reaching to the double digits - shoot from the now ice ground; accompanied by a sharp 'shing!' Sound.

But luckily for Giza he was able to dodge the spike attack by using the Gravity Dust in the suit to amplify his jumping power; jumping just in time as the spike shot from the frozen ground. He grabs on the ledge of the wall, the dome ceiling was high enough for him to pull himself up to the roof top of the building.

The entire frozen ground was covered with sharp spikes; the only thing that wasn't covered spikes; is a small circular segament around the Dragmare so it wouldn't get stab by its own spikes.

'I have an idea.' He thought, quickly pulling out his Scroll; then types something on the Scrolls mini board. After he preses the last digit of the code; the Scrolls screen showed a countdown from ten.

Upon reaching the number seven he throws the Scroll at the Dragmare's face; she couldn't react in time as the countdown reaches to one. It exploded in her face; but the explosion didn't damage her - it blinded which was Giza's goal. Because of the explosion it lit inside the dome briefly.

It is another unique feature for Borosu Scrolls like he had: after typing a code on the Scrolls mini board. The Scroll practically becomes a hand grenade.

Giza leaped off of the roof of the building; landing on the circular segmant where there aren't any spikes. Giza turns off invincibily as it was actually pretty hard to fight while being invincible.

He tried to slice off the Dragmare's neck but she created an ice wall in time to block the slash.

She created several ice spears behind her; each one rapidly firing at bullet speed to Giza, but with Gravity Dust he was able to mostly dodge the spears but some spears did pierce Giza.

Giza coughs out some blood, but he gritted his teeth toughing through the pain, the Gravity Dust aura flared around him. Because of earlier in the fight when the female Dragmare coverd her neck with that ice; he wasn't able to cut off her neck, so he opted tp try another thing.

Voltages of electricity cackled around his arm, using all his power he punch the female Dragmare in the face; sending her flying through the building and landing on the other side seemingly knock out.

Not wasting a perfect to finish off the Dragmare. He dashes towards her with inhuman speed; it almost seems like teleporting, leaving behind a trail of dust cloud.

Unfortunately she was able to wake up in time to dodge the incoming attack from him.

She again created her ice rapier and got into a fighting stance; seeing the Dragmare going into a fighting stance he also got into a fighting stance with his sword.

Both glared at each other, before one of them spoke. "It intrigues me that a specias as even more disgusting than a rotten pig as you is strong? Whats your filthy name ape." She said in tone that kinda resemblance a spoild rich brat.

Giza didn't answer instead he said. "I'd rather jump off a cliff than let you animals know my name." He growled at her.

"Hm! I shall be more civil and proper than you cretins, my name is Frost."

"Really? Frost. What a stupid name." Before the Dragmare could made a retort; Giza runs at her, swinging his sword at her head she blocks it with her ice rapier. "This just proves to me that all you apes are just uncivilized cretin who care nothing but sex and power. A species far inferior than my superior race and that all you filthy cretins should just die!"

"And?" Giza raises an eyebrow at the ice user, he didn't really care if the Dragmare are actutally a superior race then humans, he doesn't care if humans really do only value sex and power, he doesn't if all humans die; he only cares about slaughtering all the Dragmare's. After all he will move forward fight, fight and fight until all of the Dragmare's are brutally slaughtered.

Giza quickly backs away from the ice Dragmare as ice spears formed behind her; each rapidly shooting at him but he was able to dodge most of the attacks thanks to the Gravity Dust enchanting his speed.

Then suddenly the barrage of ice spears abruptly stop firing at him. Frost was strangely looking at sun muttering to herself. "It's noon."

Then ice wings suddenly spread from her back. "!?" Giza was alarmed by this and got into his stance. "You're lucky I don't have the time to finish this little quarrel of our." Then her wings was somehow able to bend and flap despite being made out of ice.

'I won't let her get away!' Engulf by the Gravity dust purple aura he tried to chase after Frost but it was a pretty fruitless attempt as she was just too fast for him.

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