Part 62: Team Magma strikes again.

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Our heroes were walking around, Savanna's Pichu was on Savanna's shoulder.

Then a shadow ball came out of nowhere and Savanna jumped.

The grunts walk up to our heroes with a Mightyena and a Houndoom standing besides them.

"Go Mudkip!" Savanna said throwing out a PokeBall and the Mud fish Pokemon came out and unleashed a battle cry as More grunts came over.

"Go Zippo!" Ritchie said throwing his Charizard's PokeBall out, making Charizard appear.

"Go Pikachu!" Ash said as Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and landed on the ground.

"Flamethrower!" Grunt 1 commanded as Houndoom shot off the flamethrower towards Mudkip.

"Water gun!" Savanna commanded and Mudkip shot off the Water gun, cancelling the Flamethrower out. 

"Zippo, Slash!" Ritchie commanded as Ritchie's Charizard's claws started glowing and he flew and slashed Mightyena.

"Shadow ball!" Grunt 2 commanded and Mightyena shot off the Shadow Ball hitting Zippo in the stomach.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded as Pikachu shot off a bolt of electricity towards Mightyena, shocking it.

"Hyper beam!" Grunt 2 commanded as Mightyena shot off a beam, hitting Ash's Pikachu.

"Water gun!" Savanna commanded and Mudkip shot off the water gun, but Houndoom dodged it.

"Shadow ball!" Grunt 1 commanded and Houndoom shot off the Shadow Ball,hitting Mudkip, sending her flying.

Mudkip landed on the ground hard and got up slowly.

"Tackle!" Savanna commanded as Mudkip ran towards Houndoom.

"Flamethrower!" Grunt 1 commanded and the Houndoom shot off the flamethrower, but Mudkip dodged it. "Crunch!" Houndoom ran and bit into Mudkip's fin and then threw her sending her to the ground.

"Mudkip!" Savanna called out as she knelt down and stood in front of Mudkip, Pichu got off Savanna's shoulder and ran towards Ritchie.

"Shadow ball!" Grunt 1 commanded and Houndoom shot off the shadow ball, hitting Savanna, Ash's Pikachu hit the ground.

"Crap..." Ash clenched his fist.

Both grunt's Pokemon were shooting Shadow balls and flamethrowers.

Mudkip looked at her trainer in shock, Savanna had her eyes closed and she was gritting her teeth.

Then one of the admins threw a rock, a giant one at that towards Savanna.

Savanna braced for impact but then Mudkip got up and Savanna turned around, and Mudkip ran and stood on it's hind legs and grabbed the rock.

Everyone was in shock.

Mudkip started glowing and then she broke the rock.

"That's a Marshtomp..." Savanna looked in awe.

Savanna's Marshtomp turned around and smiled and Savanna got up and smiled back.

"Hydro pump!" Savanna said and Marshtomp shot off the hydro pump as Ritchie's Charizard grabbed Grunt's 2 Mightyena and threw him with Houndoom as the Hydro pump hit, causing the grunts to blast off.

Ash's Pikachu got on Ash's shoulder as Ritchie returned his Charizard.

Savanna knelt down and hugged Marshtomp.

"T-thank you for saving me..." Savanna said as Marshtomp hugged her back.

A/N: Read and review 

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