Part 43: A heating rival battle Part one!

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After finding the others, our heroes were setting up camp, Savanna and Ritchie were training together, Ash and May were doing the same as Ash was looking at Savanna and Ritchie.

"Ash?" May asked snapping her fingers as Ash got out of his zoned out like state and looked at May.

"Yeah?" Ash asked as May sighed.

"Something wrong?" May asked as Ash was looking at Savanna and Ritchie again.

May sighed and crossed her arms, and said "Your jealous of Ritchie aren't you?"

"What no!" Ash denied as he blushed. 

"Ash you know Ritchie isn't going to steal her away from ya. "

"But Savanna seems so happy with him...." Ash said as he sighed and Ritchie and Savanna were laughing.

"Ash... You know that Savanna and Ritchie are probably just going to stay as friends never go up to the next level.... Savanna wants someone else you know..." 

"Wait who?!" Ash asked as May giggled 

"Sorry can't tell ya" May winked .

"Ah come on!!!!" Ash groaned as he fell down anime style.

Savanna turned around and Ritchie did too.

"You okay Ash?" Savanna asked as Ash got up and ran up to Savanna and grabbed her hands.

"Who do you like?!" Ash asked as Savanna started blushing.

"I am not telling you that! Savanna blushed even harder as Ash let go and walked off before...

"Hello weakling!" Savanna turned around and growled her Charmeleon did too.

"Josh!" Savanna exclaimed as Josh smirked.

"Hello weakling...... Now.... Let's have a four on four..." Josh said as Savanna clenched her fist and nodded.

"Alright go Grovyle!" Josh threw the PokeBall out and out came a very smug looking Grovyle.

"My Grovyle would love a rematch with yours! Go!" Savanna said as Grovyle walked in front of her and crossed her arms. 

"Leaf blade!" Josh's Grovyle's leafs started glowing a greenish color and he ran towards Savanna's Grovyle. 

"Dodge it!" Savanna commanded as her Grovyle moved to the side and then ran to the another side, "Quick attack!" Savanna's Grovyle glowed white and ran tackled Josh's Grovyle, sending it back.

"Pound!" Josh commanded as his Grovyle started running and was about to use it's leaf thing on it's head to slap Savanna's Grovyle.

"Grab it!" Savanna commanded as her Grovyle grabbed the leaf sort of hair thing and started swinging Josh's Grovyle around and then threw him into a tree and he fell onto the ground as Savanna's Grovyle ran back to her spot from the starting of the battle.

Josh's Grovyle got up, "X scissor!" Josh commanded as Josh's Grovyle raised up his arms in a x shape as his leafs on his wrists started glowing as he ran towards Savanna's Grovyle slashing her in the chest. 

"Leaf blade!" Savanna commanded as Her Grovyle's leafs on her wrists started glowing as she slashed Josh's Grovyle sending it back.

"Quick attack!" Josh commanded as his Grovyle glowed white and he ran towards Savanna's Grovyle, tackling her, sending her back.

"Bullet seed!" Both trainers commanded as Their Grovyle shot off seed like bullets at each other. But they couldn't hit the other.

"Come on!" Josh yelled as Savanna clenched her fist and then smirked.

"Solar Beam! Savanna commanded as her Grovyle jumped and her leaf on top of her head started glowing.

"You too!" Josh commanded as his Grovyle jumped and it's leaf started glowing as well as both Pokemon shot off a beam, they both hit each other canceling each other out as it caused a massive explosion.

Through the smoke, both Pokemon were falling towards the ground and they hit.the ground as the smoke cleared.

Both Pokemon got up and glared "X scissor!/Leaf blade! Both trainers commanded and both Pokemon ran towards each other and slashed each other.

Both Pokemon looked at each other smirking as they fell towards the ground.

Both trainers returned their Pokemon.

"Fine! Go Zangoose!" Josh growled as he threw the Pokeball and his Zangoose came out and let out a battle cry.

"Ready Mudkip?" Savanna said as Mudkip nodded and ran in front of Savanna and let out it's own cry.

"Let's see if that Female has gotten stronger." Josh scoffed "Crush claw."

Zangoose's claws started glowing and he ran towards Mudkip.

"Dig!" Savanna commanded as Mudkip dug underground causing Zangoose to miss it's crush claw.

"Shit! Look around!" Josh growled as Mudkip jumped and hit Zangoose sending it flying.

"Shit get up!" Josh yelled as Zangoose got up. "Swords dance!" Zangoose started surrounding it's self with swords as they moved around him and his attack went up two stages "Slash!" Josh's Zangoose ran and slashed Mudkip.

"Mudkip!" Savanna yelled in concern as her Mudkip got up slowly and growled. "Okay, Mudkip Water gun!" Mudkip shot off the water gun, sending Zangoose back.

"Slash!" Josh commanded as Zangoose used slash as the same as before, Savanna smirked.

"Dodge it!" Savanna commanded as Mudkip jumped causing Zangoose got his claw stuck and Mudkip landed on the ground. "Tackle" Mudkip ran and tackled Zangoose causing it to hit the ground, Knocking it out.

Josh returned it growling as he brought out a growlithe who growled.. (No pun intended lol)

A/N: That's it for this chapter! Read and Review!

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