With those damn eyes (5)

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I woke up the next morning, my head pounding, still thinking about what happened. I just remember everything Ryan did. I got out of bed and stumbled downstairs to take Advil, my head was killing me. "Morning Spencer" I said and waved to my brother. "You taking Advil too?" Spencer asked. "Yes. My head is killing me." I turned around to see Ryan walking out from the basement. "Hey Ry." I said and looked over. "Oh hey." Ryan turned around to sit on the couch. "Spencer what time is it?" Ryan asked and turned around. "10 am." Spencer turned around. "Shit I gotta go, sorry. My dad is gonna be mad that I wasn't home earlier." Ryan grabbed his keys and walked out of the house. "Wait Ryan!" I walked out the door after him, "can we talk really quick?" "I really gotta go D." Ryan said and opened his car door. "Ryan I really have to talk to you." I responded. Ryan got in his car, "sorry D, I really really have to go. See ya soon." Ryan drove away. Why wouldn't he just talk to me? I just wanted to talk to him. I needed to. I needed to know if he felt how I felt when I kissed him, or when he told me goodnight. Why was he in such a hurry anyway. His dad could give a shit less if he was home right now, or later, or for gods sake in 10 years.

I went back in the house and walked right past my brother, I went straight into my room. "Delilah?" My brother said following after me. "Spencer he doesn't like me you dumb ass. Why would you set me up god." I said and sat at my desk. "What do you mean? Ryan? Ryan does like you he told me" Spencer looked at me. "He was in such a hurry to leave. He wouldn't speak to me. He just drove away. Like it was nothing." Tears slightly fell from my eyes. "D, I'm sorry, I'll talk to him. Maybe he just really needed to be home." Spencer hugged me, then walked out, calling Ryan. I sat in my bed and cried for the next hour. "Hey D??" Spencer came in. "Hm?" I looked over at Spencer. "There's a party at Brendons house, wanna come?" He asked me. "Yeah sure, I'll get ready." I said then got up to get ready, shutting my door. I threw on a denim shirt and crop top, then did my makeup. "Alright I'm ready." I said and grabbed my keys, "I'll drive."

Once we got to the party it was packed, there was a shit ton of teenagers there. We got inside of Brendons house. "Oh hey guys!" Brendon said and walked over to us. I left Brendon and Spencer to talk. Brendon gave the the creeps, I don't know. I moved my way through the party. The second I walked into the kitchen I seen Ryan, and not just Ryan, Ryan and a girl. Her name was Casey, I knew her from school. It wouldn't be a big deal that he was with her, if they weren't shoving their faces together. "Ryan?.." I said as I walked in. "Oh.. hey Delilah." He looked over at Casey, "Casey this is Delilah, Spencer's sister." Casey held her hand out. "Hey Delilah, I'm Casey." She said, and shook my hand. "Mhm hey Casey. Ryan can we talk?" I looked at Ryan. "Sorry? Busy." Ryan said and turned around. "No." I responded, grabbing his arm and pulling him out back, where no one was. "Ryan what was that?" I asked him. "D.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you that day okay? I have a girlfriend. Casey. And it was shitty. I'm sorry." Ryan put his hand on his forehead. "Yeah it was shitty Ryan. You don't just kiss me, let me straddle you while kissing, carry me up to bed, help me get dressed, kiss me goodnight, when you have a girlfriend Ryan." I said tears filling my eyes as I angrily spoke to him. "Look I'm sorry D.. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. Me and Casey were going through shit, but we are better now." He said and looked at me, with those eyes, those damn eyes. "God Ryan! You don't just do that shit! You don't it's fucked! You don't tell my brother you are into me either." I was full on crying now. "I think you are amazing Delilah. I do, and I'm sorry." He said. "Don't look at me like that Ryan." I said and turned around. "Like what?" He looked confused. "With those damn eyes." I walked away.

I went inside to find my brother. "Spencer I'm going home." I said and walked away. "You alright?" Spencer said and turned to me. "Ask your bullshit friend Spencer." I said and walked away. "Ryan?" Spencer walked after me. "Yes Ryan. He's fucking dating someone. He likes me my ass. He just told me they were going through shit, so he basically was just having fun Spencer." I started crying. "D that isn't true, they broke up I swear, they've been broken up for months." Spencer looked at me. "Whatever, I don't want to speak to him." I got in the car, and so did Spencer.

When we got home my mom was sitting on the couch, and my brother immediately went to his room, I stayed in the living room. "You look like a mess Delilah, are you alright?" My mom ruffled my hair. "Boys are assholes mom." I started crying. "I know honey, I know." My mom hugged me. "Mom Ryan sucks yk?" She laughed slightly "you'll learn to get used to it someday love." She kissed my head.

I fell asleep laying on my moms lap that night.

(I didn't proofread, so I'm sorry if there's mistakes !!)

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