Theres rain before light (18)

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"Boys oh my god get your bags packed!" I shouted at them. The boys have tour again this month. This time I'm coming with, and so is Molly. There first show is literally tomorrow.

They packed up and we got in the tour bus. There was enough beds for all of us, even though I was just gonna sleep in Ryan's bed. Their managers name is Cathy, and I love her. Me, her, and Molly are all super close.

I woke up really early that morning. "Morning Cathy." I said as I walked outside of the tour bus. She was smoking. "Hey Del, want one." She handed me a cigarette. "Yeah thanks, got a lighter?" I asked as she lit my cigarette. I stood outside and smoked with her then walked inside, the boys were all awake. "Morning baby." Ryan kissed me. "Get ready you have a show at 5." I shoved Ryan into the bathroom. He sat on the counter and I helped him do his makeup. Well I helped the most I could at least. I also helped him get dressed. He wears a lot of layers and was really struggling. "Here Ryan I'll button your vest." I said and laughed. It was a corset vest. So I had to button the front and sip the back. I zipped the back first then went to button the front. "Thank you." Ryan looked down at me. "Mhm." I kissed him. I walked out of the room so I could go help the other guys with eyeliner, they all suck at it. "Spencer don't fucking move you cock sucker." I said and lightly slapped my brother as I was doing his eyeliner. "I'm not a fucking cock sucker and you know that." Spencer was so angry that I said that. "Only one who truly sucks cock would get angry when another person calls them a cock sucker." I laughed. "Hey Del! Can I ask you something?" Molly said. "Yeah of course." I walked over to Molly. "Can you do my eyeshadow?" She asked me and sat down. "Lovely I'm not good at eyeshadow ask Ryan." I laughed. "I would but he went outside and now no one can find your boyfriend." Molly shrugged. "What do you mean? We literally have 15 minutes till show time? They are rehearsing without him?" I asked Molly. "No they haven't rehearsed they can't find Ryan." She looked over at me. "I gotta go find him I'm sorry Molly." I ran out of the bus. "Ryan??" I shouted. I walked around for 5 minutes, then I finally found him leaned up against the side of the bus. "Ry baby what are you doing?" I say next to him. "Huh?" He slurred, I could tell he had been smoking (weed) I mean I knew he smoked from time to time, and it never interfered with anything, plus it wasn't a hardcore drug so I didn't care, but I knew he had smoked a shit ton. "Ryan baby you have a show in 10 minutes." I kneeled in front of him. "Shut up no I don't." He looked at me. "Yes you do baby." I responded. "Leave me alone." Ryan was so out of it. "Honey come on let's go drink some water." I stood up and held my hand out. "D just go away I will be there." Ryan tried to move me away. "Ry please let's go baby." I tried to grab his hand. "God! I don't even like you just go away." Ryan looked at me. "Ryan.." I looked at him. I just walked away. Fuck that. I'm not dealing with that. "Ryan will be out soon." I walked past the boys but I walked up to my brother. "Spencer after your show come talk to me." I whispered to my brother and walked away. I listened to them perform while sitting in the tour bus that night I wanted to sob. Spencer came in first when they were done. "Hey D, need to talk?" Spencer sat next to me. "Ryan was blazed and told me he didn't like me." I had my head in my hands. "What the hell does he keep being a dick to you?" Spencer was clearly mad. "Spence he was out of it I don't know." Spencer stood up. "I'm going to talk to him." Spencer walked out. That's when Ryan walked in. "Have my sister crying and shit you bitch." Spencer looked at Ryan. "Wait what? Babe what's going on?" Ryan was sober now and remembered nothing. "You don't like her anymore? Why are you being a suck up now? Saying you don't like her?" Spencer was now arguing with Ryan. I was on the verge of tears, Molly was comforting me while Spencer was arguing with Ryan. "Spencer hop off bro! Let me talk to your sister about what happened." Ryan pushed past Spencer and walked up to me "can we talk?" "Yes of course." I grabbed his hand and walked outside with him. "Baby what did I say? Please tell me what I said. I'm sorry please." Ryan was crying, "I know I've been a shitty boyfriend okay? I know. But I really really love you and I just want you." Ryan looked at me. Complete love in his eyes. "Ryan you said you didn't like me." I looked down. "I don't like you, I love you. I know in the moment I was an asshole, but I love you." Ryan hugged me. "I love you Ryan." I kissed him. "Listen Ryan it's okay. I forgive you. I'll talk to Spencer k just stay here." I brought Spencer outside, Jon came with. "Listen Ryan, you do shit to my sister and she gets upset and I don't fuck with that. I don't think you understand that." Spencer said to him. "Spencer it's fine okay? I'm not upset anymore I'm okay." This was awkward. "He still makes you upset sometimes Delilah." Jon got in. Molly was outside too. "You act like he didn't make you upset. Like he has never made you upset. And he has. I love Ryan, I do. Dearly. He's my best friend. Well one of them. But listen your relationship is pure chaos." Jon looked at me. "Just like ours is about to be if you don't stop. She clearly loves him Jon." Molly turned her head to Jon. "Molly come on." Jon responded. "Don't even." Molly said to Jon. Jon and Molly didn't have the same views on MY RELATIONSHIP. It's MY RELATIONSHIP. Why do they have views at all. Jesus. I love Ryan. Me and Ryan went to a hotel to cool down, and Molly came too. Molly and Jon broke up. I felt terrible. But they stayed friends. Molly got a plane ticket the next morning and flew home. Her and Jon are still friends but she's really struggling with the breakup. I wish I could be there but I promised Ry I would finish tour. Spencer was still mad at me, and Ryan. "You aren't thinking smart Delilah." Spencer looked at me. "And you need to get out of my business Spencer." I responded. "I know you like him but I don't want you to cry." Spencer was so mad. Jon was over it though. He couldn't stay mad for long. My brother ended up somewhat realizing my point. Not fully, he was still pissed, but he was a little less mad. I call Molly everyday to make sure she's okay. It's hard being across the world and still having to care for a friendship with someone. But I love Molly so I really tried.

Life is overdramatic.

lying is the most fun // Ryan RossOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz