Go For It (4)

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"Ryan what the hell dude ?!" Spencer said and starred at me and Ryan. "Spencer can we talk please" Ryan said and walked out of the room. "Yeah whatever." Spencer responded said as they walked down the stairs, to the basement. I sat there, my head in my hands. I just made the biggest mistake of my life. That's when Molly walked in, "Tell me every detail! What happened?" "Molly I'm not happy about this okay?" I said and tuned my head away from her. "Why not? You have basically liked Ryan for years. Don't even say you haven't cause I know you have." She said and looked at me. "God, don't you get it? That's Spencer's friend." I said and put my head down again. "So who cares?" "Molly, for gods sake. I care. I care a whole lot. You know how much me and Spencer have leaned on each other throughout our whole life. I am not willing to upset my brother right now." That was true. Me and my brother were always really close. My mom is between boyfriends, and frequently picks them over us. She's a good mom, she is, she just wants love. "I get that Del, but you also can't stop yourself from being with someone you like." Molly said and turned her head. That's when Spencer walked in. "Hey Molly, can I talk to Delilah alone for a minute?" "Yeah go ahead" Molly walked out and shut the door behind her. "Spencer I'm so sorry, it was impulse I don't know what I was thinking, it was-" Spencer stopped me. "Stop talking. It's fine. I'm sorry. I overreacted." He said and sat on my bed. "Don't worry about it Spencer. You didn't overreact. I shouldn't have done that." I said and turned my head. "No I get it, do you like Ryan?" Spencer looked at me. "No, no I don't." I blushed slightly. "Oh come on, if you like him go for it, I don't exactly know, but someone told me that he might like you too." Spencer said and shrugged. I then started laughing. Tears were slightly in my eyes because I felt bad, but he made me feel better. "I don't think I'm gonna go for it, I'll find someone else Spence" I then laughed. "No really D, I told you to go for it, and I know you like him." Spencer responded. "Just think about it k?" He then walked out. I watched as my brother walked out. I didn't want to go for it, I didn't want to risk that. That's when I heard boys screaming downstairs. I knew it was the band.

I decided to go downstairs, where I found all the boys sitting on my couch, and Molly, of course. She was sitting next to Jon (swooning, of course). "Hey Delilah." Brendon said. "Oh hi Brendon." I said and walked to the kitchen. I don't talk to any of the guys from the band really, but I would like to. They seem interesting. I walked back into the living room and sat on the floor, there was no space on the couch. I noticed that my brother had alcohol, I wasn't shocked, he's a 17 year old boy, him and his friends get drunk in the basement all the time. My mom was gone for the night anyway. "Want one D?" Spencer said and handed me one. "I don't drink. You know that." I laughed. "You pussy?" Jon laughed, "just kidding with you kid." He nudged me. "Fine give me one." I said and took one from Spencer. "Finally, been trying to get her to drink for like a year." Molly laughed. "Oh be quiet." I laughed too. Ryan was the only one not drinking. "Want some?" I said to Ryan and handed him my bottle. "I don't drink, thanks though." He responded. "Alright" I shrugged and drank more from the bottle.

The rest of the night was a blur, I think we were all drunk, I know we are underaged, but for gods sake, everyone and their mom has drank underaged. I woke up, still drunk, around 3 am, Ryan was still awake on the couch. "Morning sunshine." Ryan laughed. "Ryan !!" I said loudly and stumbled over to him. "Careful please. Don't kill yourself." Ryan held onto me. "Let's clean up and get you in bed." Ryan said throwing away everyone's bottles. I smelt like alcohol, and my shirt was wet, I think I spilt stuff on me. "Come on let's go upstairs." Ryan said picking me up. Not sure how he did that, he was scrawny, and he could lift me, but whatever. "Ryan my shirts wet." I whispered. "I know your hair is too." He laughed. "My hair got stuff in it?" I panicked. "We need to wash it please Ryan." I looked at him. "Ok let's go to the bathroom." Ryan carried me in there, and put me down, putting my head over the sink, turning the water warm. And rinsing my hair out. "Ok all done let's dry your hair." Ryan started drying my hair, very gently. He then walked me into my room. "Ryan my shirt is sticky." I hugged him. "Now mine is too." He laughed at me. "Is there a specific shirt you want to wear?" He opened my closet. "A blue one." I pointed to my camp shirt from 4 years ago. "Ok here, put it on I'll turn around." Ryan said and closed his eyes, then turned around. I put on the shirt and took my pants off. "Turn around." I said and laughed. Most teenage boys wouldn't even care to turn around to begin with, they would love to look. "Oh, you aren't wearing pants." Ryan said and turned around again, grabbing shorts out of my closet and handing them to me, I put them on and sat on my bed. "Let's get you in bed okay" Ryan said as I laid down, he then pulled my blanket over me and turned the light off, going to walk out. "Wait Ryan" I said and looked at him. "Yeah?" He looked over at me. "Stay till I fall asleep please." I asked him, for some reason I was scared to sleep. "Yeah sure." He sat on the floor. "You can lay on my bed." I said and laughed. "Oh, ok." Ryan sat on my bed.
I was half asleep when he got up to go out. "Goodnight lovely." He said and kissed my forehead.
That's all I remember before I fell asleep.

I think Ryan is the nicest person I've ever met, maybe him dealing with a drunk girl when he's sober was just the bare minimum. But it was more than most guys would do.

Maybe I will go for it like Spencer said.

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