611 36 58

written by MGHicks_reloaded


My eyes widened. "Oh, fuck! Nope. Not again." Spinning from the iron entrance gates that held my afternoon booking, I took off into the courtyard. Pulse pounding, I dashed around the lion-demon railing a curvy, blue-haired Valkyrie on a Saint Andrew's cross in metal-rattling thrusts, and slid underneath a barrel horse with a petite elf servicing one of the Mushhushshu. Her frail form shuddered above me while the snake-dragon ejaculated, a moan reaching my ears. A drop of some unnamed fluid landed on my face as I emerged on the other side, swiping at it impatiently.

Glancing behind me, Kusarikku's black eyes were narrowed, snorting puffs of air from bovine nostrils, horned-head turning as he searched for me. That vagina-splitting bull-sized cock of his left me bruised and unable to work for days. No godsdamn way was I accepting him again and arguing with persistent demons was migraine-inducing. A human had to be choosy to survive in Pazunia, surrounded by creatures that defied imagination, all happy to take advantage of my softer, smaller, unarmoured body.

Ducking my head, I sped around the black and white orca-skinned Atlantean wielding a whip on the back, thighs, and buttocks of a scorpion-demon—one of the Girtablullu—then dodged behind a set of grey lattice screens. Thank gods my demon deal allowed me the flexibility to refuse a patron... but better to make myself scarce than have to handle that drama or involve the bird-headed Kenku running this fertility temple. As I'd learned in my six months here, some of these demons didn't take rejection well.

Like now.


Walking backwards into the garden maze with its hidden individually themed grottos, I watched to see if Kusarikku still followed or if I'd have to lose him inside. Ugh. I hated confrontation.

Godsdamn it, why couldn't Claw book me with one of the dragon species? They seemed to be the majority on Muspelheim, and from everything the other females said, fanfuckingtastic at sex. If I had to serve another four-and-a-half years to rid myself of the massive debt my parents' death left me, at least I could enjoy the hell out of it.

Sure, the lion-demons and wolf-demons had those delightful knots, but the minotaurs and gargoyles were entirely selfish, seeking only their pleasure. I'd yet to experience one of the shapeshifting dragon-demons with their dual cocks—eye-opening the first time one visited the temple. A thicker but usual length primary cock rose above a two-metre snake-like prehensile cock that retracted within an inner pouch until brought forward by arousal.

I pressed my thighs together and twined a finger in my hip-length raven hair, humming.

It wasn't just the novelty of double cocks. Those gorgeous Apkallu dragons were mouth-watering in their humanoid form and massive double set of wings.

Beautiful, midnight wings rising over tousled dark locks and fierce ebony eyes.

Remembering the power of his predatory gaze, a shiver rose the fine hairs at my nape, my hands rubbing gooseflesh on arms left bare by the knee-length royal-blue silken shift. We'd met only once—the briefest of moments that'd seemed to stretch into hours as I'd fought the whimpering need to drop to my knees before him.

Months later, I still couldn't forget him.

Every time he soared through the burnt-orange skies above in his massive sinuous reptilian body or his humanoid form with those unusual smoking wings, my dreams filled with sweaty, sheet-twisting longing. Closing my eyelids, my face tilted toward the afternoon heat of the blood-red sun as I walked backwards. What I would give to be bound in his—

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