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written by authorelizasolares

Valentine's Day might be the worst possible day in existence to have the first date of my life. But a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.

So I pull my purse into my side and burst through the door of our fanciest restaurant, Azucena, and manage to immediately stumble over a stray tile. Propelled forward, I'm assaulted by the disgusting mixture of banana, ginseng, and friend oysters.

Feet skittering across the slick floor, I grab around for something—anything—to stop my momentum. Finally, I come to a rest with my face mere inches from the deep red dress of the hostess.

I can only pray my cheeks are not that colour.

That's what I get for being short and hating high heels more than I've ever hated anything else.

"Name?" she asks, clicking her short manicured nails against the wooden podium she stands behind.

"Doctora Lidia Gutierrez."

"You don't have a reservation? There is no additional space this evening, I'm afraid."

"I'm here to meet an Arturo Banderas." Why don't they just ask what they want to know?

She studies her tablet and I let my eyes wander the rest of the dimly lit restaurant. A string quartet plays low in the corner and roses adorn every table. The most perfect place to celebrate a romantic Valentine's dinner.

Which I'm normally violently opposed to, but when the world's foremost—and maybe only—scholar on cadejo culture agrees to contribute to your research, your brain will apparently cease to function for just long enough that you agree to something foolish like a Valentine's Day date trade.

I mean, all we know about cadejos are legends of them protecting drunk men in the night. No one's ever seen them outside of the woods. No one understands their culture. I want to be the first. Well, second, apparently, after this guy.

The hostess calls me back to the present, beckoning me through the crowded tables set for two. Weaving our way through the restaurant, we finally arrive in the darkest corner of the establishment at a booth that could seat twelve.

"Here we are." She gestures to the table. My eyes follow her hand until they land on the man—if you can call him a man—sitting in the shadows of the booth.

Even when he's sitting down his face is level with mine. Deep black hair falling in waves over his dark face and short beard hiding a chiseled jaw. The muscles of his shoulder would easily escape the confines of the average suit, but somehow his holds together.

There's something both chilling and warm as I approach him, watching the candlelight flicker across his face, accentuating his pronounced lips and triangular nose. But only when I'm standing face to face with him does he turn his piercing red eyes to meet mine.

The move catches the breath in my chest. It's an uncanny red iris I've only ever read about in books. The kind of piercing gaze certain to be otherworldly.

If my roommate Mandy were here she'd tell me to connect the dots, but I can't bring myself to do it because if I'm right...

"Are you intending to sit?" His deep voice rumbles so low I'm certain it doesn't leave our bubble, but it pulls me toward him like I'm a marionette and he's holding the strings, controlling my movements with a simple flick of his eyes.

"Of course." I slide into the seat, the cool fabric of the black leather caressing my searing skin.

"I've taken the opportunity to create a special Valentine's Day meal for us. I hope you don't mind."

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