The pan stops when Oscar refers to himself in the first person. He puts his hand to his head, disconcerted.

Oscar: "Why did I say that? Why did I know that? Why did I say that?"

Oscar becomes increasingly bothered and he starts backing up, dropping his hand.

Ozpin: "Because I helped build that school, and the tea set was a gift to the man running it now."

Oscar sits on his bed and holds his head, groaning.

Ozpin: "If you don't believe me, you can look it up. If I recall, your aunt has several books on Mistral downstairs. I'm certain you could find a picture in one of them."

Oscar: (straightening up and lowering his hands) "That... that's right, I must've seen it in a picture." (sighing)

Ozpin: "Oscar..."

Oscar stands upright, tightening his fists at his sides and shouts.

Oscar: "Stop talking to me!"

Ozpin: "I have a grave responsibility to uphold. We both do."

Oscar: (falling to his knees) "I never agreed to anything."

Ozpin: "No, you didn't. And neither did I, at first. But you do have an opportunity."

Oscar: "For what?"

Ozpin: "Greatness, hopefully. Greatness in knowing that, when the world needed help, you were the one to reach out your hand. It won't come without hardship, without sacrifice, but I know you don't want to live the rest of your life working as a farmhand in Mistral."

Oscar: (hands on his head again, eyes wide) "So you just decided to read my thoughts?"

Ozpin: "I... well. They're our thoughts, now."

Oscar: (groaning) "Get out of my head!"

Oscar's Aunt: "Oscar! Supper time! I better see clean hands!"

Oscar looks toward the door, but remains silently on the floor.

Meanwhile in Atlas

Raiden's Pov

After my sudden outburst at the party, I hid from sight, but I am furious with myself for saying something that made the belief of me being a part of the attack look true.

Raiden: "Should've just kept my mouth shut. Like I how I always did back then....."

With great utter frustration, I slam my fist on the wall I was leaning on, cracks appearing upon impact. After calming myself down, I suddenly become confused as to where I am.

Raiden: "Where am I anyway?"

I take time to survey my surroundings until I finally recognized that I was in the Schnee Manor's backyard, with the knowledge of knowing Weiss' room just above me. I just sigh to myself regrettably as I lean on the wall behind me, crossing my arms while doing so. Then suddenly, my ears caught the sound of footsteps in Weiss' room. Intrigued, I turned into a bird and flew up. After reaching the window's ledge, I peeked in and saw Weiss sitting on her bed with her head bowed and her hands folded in her lap. Her father, Jacques, pacing in front of her.

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