11: Downfall of Admiral Moron

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Sera stood beside Marien's seat in the residence of Rampart and Ivel as the others selected their spots. The boy munched on a candy, which she had suspected he'd enjoy, unlike his father, who was as imposing as a bantha.

She leaned in close to the child, whispering while the others exchanged greetings and hugs to Delara Ivel's delight.

"Hey," she murmured, catching the boy's attention as he enjoyed another piece of candy labeled Ginseng from its small plastic wrapping. "Hmm?"

"I have more of these in my speeder, if you'd like," she offered, observing the boy's delighted nod of approval.

Her smile was subtle before she turned to meet Delara's eyes. "I had no idea I'd be spending the holiday with all of you," she said, taking a sip of her drink.

"It was Helena's idea," Rena confirmed with a pleased smile, thrilled to be around her friend once again.

"Speaking of..." Helena glanced around. "Where's... Edmon?"

"Edmon?" Ivel repeated, battling the urge to roll her eyes. "He's working on... you know what."

Eustace Partagaz sprang up with curiosity. "Is the Defense Recruitment Bill up for a vote again?"

Sera shook her head, casting a quick glance around the room. She felt Marien tap her hand to check if everything was okay. She simply nodded, not mentioning that she'd be leaving for an extended period in a couple of days.

"--Workaholic," Rena facepalmed.

"Speak for yourself," Helena huffed, her frustration evident. "You officers were all workaholics."

"Mother has a point," Reina's small voice chimed in among the adults, earning a playful look from Callista, who was seated next to Ivel.

"Work on my end had been very slow at the moment," Sera stated. "After those two... men... were assigned to me..."

Marien looked up at Sera. "They failed...?"

"Yes... and your father brushed it off as if it were nothing."

"Pfft," the boy scoffed.

Sera nearly smirked. "That's why he's working on this new vote, and I'm not."

Rena chuckled. "Sounds like payback."

"Not surprising at all," Ivel added with subtle amusement.

The conversation continued about the vote and Partagaz's potential support. Rena Dodonna raised concerns about the soldiers they already had.

"This kid next door, Dedra Meero... said regular conscripts were just as good as clones," Reina chimed in.

Marien joined the discussion. "True, but what about the clones... what would happen to them if it passed?"

"Hopefully nothing bad," Sera exhaled. "They're genetically altered with growth acceleration... I'm sure the Empire wouldn't overlook that."

"If Father didn't like clones, what could we expect?" Marien sighed, recalling the nightmarish moments of the past at Tipoca City.

Reina offered a reassuring wave of her hand. "Oh, I'm sure nobody HATES the clones."

Garai, who had been engaged in a no-blinking contest with Callista, finally joined the conversation. "Admiral Tarkin hates clones."

"How do you know?" Reina inquired.

"Regina told me," Garai quickly explained before covering their mouth, feeling a nudge from behind.

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