4: Have A future - Part 1

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19 BBY | Month 9, Day 12

The Havoc Marauder perches comfortably on a massive rock, offering a breathtaking view of the shallow ocean below, which stretches out to meet the endless horizon of the beach planet. The rest of the squad - Flash, Echo, Wrecker, Amber and Hunter - are off performing their respective task. This leaves Noble, Octavia, Tech and Dume, behind with the ship.

It's a rare moment of respite, allowing them to enjoy the serene beauty of the location. For the squad, life in the midst of a galaxy in turmoil rarely affords them such peaceful opportunities.

Omega lays on the extended ramp, engrossed in her studies using a specially modified datapad, perfectly suited to her needs. Noble, on the other hand, gazes at the surroundings, sitting beside the child as Octavia and Tech sit on the inside. The medical expert, despite her impressive knowledge of ships and the Empire's inner workings, knows that Hunter's strict safety parameters restrict her involvement in the squad's more dangerous missions.

The waves rise and fall in a soothing rhythm, and the clear, blue sky stretches overhead. For a brief moment, Noble lets her guard down and closes her eyes, allowing the sun's warmth to wash over her face.

Octavia walks onto the ramp, noticing Noble lost in the embrace of the nice weather and decides to join her quietly. Dume curiously looks up for a brief moment, before resting his head back down from the cockpit.

Splashing of the water below, grabs Omega's attention as she looks over the ramp while sitting with Noble doing her magic with the waves and various fish below.

"Does this unscheduled break mean--" Tech begins picking up the datapad. "--you are fully versed in every ship in the Imperial fleet?"

"Do I have to do this right now?" Omega complains, her frustration evident. She reminds Tech that they're in the middle of a mission and should stay focused.

"That does not give you a pass on your studies." He extends the device to the child who rolls her eyes and groans as she takes it.

"You know, a little break won't hurt her," Noble comments as she stops playing with the ocean. Dume barks from inside the ship, begging for a Nuna leg.

"I agree, Omega has been studying hard already, genius," Octavia states.

The comm system interrupts the moment of any further conversation, and Hunter's voice crackles over the speakers. "Tech, we've got the cargo, but we could use some firepower."

Tech glances into the cockpit from his position on the ramp, realizing the implications of Hunter's message. "Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?"

Omega, Tech, and Noble collectively groan at the realization of the squad's predicament. It's not surprising that Wrecker's impulsive actions have led to a challenging situation.

Tech takes his place in the pilot's seat, powering up the Marauder, while Omega confirms that they're on their way to provide assistance. Noble, however, wears an irritated expression as she watches the crabs that have accumulated on the windshield.

As the ship hovers above the ocean, Omega's attention is suddenly captured by the violently shaking cable line. She witnesses something massive moving below the surface of the water, causing the cable to sway wildly.

"Tech, we caught something. And I think it's big," Omega reports with a mixture of awe and concern. She watches the cable intently as the rest of the squad awaits their arrival.

Noble peers outside to witness the commotion. "Release the line. We don't have time to reel--" Tech is about to give the order, but his sentence is abruptly interrupted by a surprising sight. The Marauder's windshield is suddenly filled with a horde of crabs, their sharp pincers clicking against the glass.

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