Chapter 1 : Traitor

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I entertained myself by punishing a traitor while imposing on a majestic cushion chair in my stone-walled dungeon. The metallic smell of blood in the air was intoxicating, just the way I liked it.

"Ah! please! Master, please! I-I beg you-please master have mercy on me-please forgive me, master," he begged fervently, and a smirk crept across my face.

John Robinson, one of my assassins.

The poor guy was tied to a chair and severely beaten, with his nails plucked and his teeth uprooted. Regardless of everything, one thing was clear in his eyes: fear of death.

He was shirtless, with blood dripping from various cuts on his body. It pooled underneath his chair, soaked the floor, and turned everything red. Still, he begged my forgiveness.

Sorry about that...

Alexis, my right-hand man, had been interrogating him for the past two hours by slicing him limb by limb.

I poured myself a glass of whiskey and took a cigar from the box on the table next to my chair. I lit it and smoked it.

Alexis adjusted the camera again to record the man's suffering.

I was enjoying his agony while holding a goblet of whiskey in my right hand and my favourite branded cigar in my left. His screams sounded like melodies to my ears.

After all, it is not every day that a betrayer emerges from the mafia's ruling 'family' (gang). I treated my gang as if it were a family because I believed that all 'gang' members should support one another in the same way that a family would.

I rescued them from the streets, fed and clothed them, provided a roof over their heads, and skilled and educated the deserving, and this was how they paid me back: by spying on or using me. My rage erupted with a single glance at the man.

Because of this traitor, I lost not only thirty million dollars, but also my two loyal men, and this loss meant more to me than money.

I built this mafia organization with my sweat, blood, and tears, and nobody fucking had the right to destroy it.

All of these thoughts racing through my mind are making me angrier.

"Ah! Alexis, please! Man, please! We grew up together! Do not do this to me," the traitor begged Alexis, but his eyes, like mine, were filled with disgust. I sneered angrily at the man's foolishness. All of his beggings were falling on deaf ears.

After a while, the traitor finally quenched our curiosity about the information we sought from him. He was now merely a thrash. I took the gun from my waist belt and tipped up the lining to aim at his forehead.


The loud noise of the bullet echoed throughout the area, effectively silencing the traitor for good. His chair jerked back slightly, and blood trickled out from the centre of his brow after creating a hole, while his eyes widened.

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