Chapter 9

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Meanwhile with 17

As Liz was on her way to the scene, Gero and 17 were face to face in an all out fight. Half of the town was already obliterated. Many people had already died.

"Gero! Why are you doing this!?"

"Oh 17, you did this long ago for the very same reason as me. You killed for fun, for the thrill of it!"

"I know what I did! But why must you put Liz into this!? Why did you put this planet into this!? This is between you and me!"

"That girl is a freak. I don't know what happened to you but now you must die. I no longer have any use for you!"

Gero and 17 began the battle. Both sides fought fiercely. 17 heard a familiar voice.


He turned to see Liz coming towards him. What was she doing here!? Was she insane!? She could get killed!

"Liz! Go home! It isn't safe here!"

Gero looked at the young wolf and smirked. His plan was working perfectly.

Author: the others are gathered around if you were wondering where they were.

"No! I'm not letting you die!"

"Big mistake kid!" Gero hissed.

He pointed a large ki blast at her. She stood still unable to move due to fear. 17 was furious. With a smirk, Gero finally released his attack.

"Liz! Look out!"

17 pushed her to the side before the blast affected her. She fell to the ground and looked back at him. 17 was struck by the attack and fell.

"17! No!"

She scrambled to her feet and ran to him. He laid on the ground, blood and bruises covering parts of his body. She knelt down at his side and held him in her arms. Tears were streaming down her face. Was he...dead?

"17! Wake up! Please wake up!" she said crying and shaking him.

No response. She cried more as she looked at him. His eyes were closed. He was dead. She held him tightly and cried.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

She gently kissed him and whispered: "I love you..." She suddenly felt warm. His body moved and his eyes were open. He starred at her smiling.

"I love you too."

"17? Y-you're alive?"


She hugged him again and cried even more. He was alive!

"Darn! But how!?" Gero yelled in fury.

"Gero!" Liz yelled in anger.

Her power rose exponentially. She was never this angry before. A gold auroa formed around her, her hair started to change both shape and color. She was turning into a super saiyan!

She yelled out in rage and her form changed. She did it!

"Now Gero, you'll pay!"

She fired everything she had. One last blow, and he was done for. But she had to get it right.


She blasted Gero and laid on the ground. No responses, blood dripping everywhere. He was dead.

Liz remained in her form. She went to the ground and fell unconscious.

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