Chapter 24

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"My God, Belle!? Don't you dare tell me you got yourself a malewife?!" Marie exclaims the moment Antoine walks into the room.

The reactions around the room are certainly interesting and differing. My mouth drops in offense at what I perceive as an insult to Antoine. Pedro's mouth drops, too, his eyeballs practically shooting out of their sockets, looking like he's trying to exclaim something but can't get anything out of his mouth, staring at Antoine. Charlie exclaims, "Marie!" in anger at her bluntness. And Antoine bursts out laughing at her comment. Literally. He is holding his side, face bright red.

This room has a lot of different moods, all at once. It is too complicated in here.

Finally I say, "Marie, why would you say that about him!?"

"I don't know," she grins. "This is that kid from years ago. I can recognize him by those eyes of his. The one that used to trick me, putting worms in places they shouldn't go and dead snakes under the front door! And know he's in your fricking house, Belle, looking like a servant malewife! That is why I would say that about him, of course!"

"Antoine Griezmann?" Pedro mutters. I realize that Pedro must have known that, remembered, my childhood friendship with Antoine, and that he must've completely regretting not being friends with him, too, and hanging onto a friendship. Pedro loves football. He loves La Liga. But most of all, he loves Real Sociedad.

Which means he knew that Antoine played on Sociedad.

Which means he is going fanboy style right now.

This is all very amusing to me.

Finally Antoine says, "Well, yes, everyone, I'm happy to see you guys again, too." He puts down his shopping bags and takes off his apron, walking over to Pedro, giving him a hug first, and then Charlie. He stops in front of Marie, saying with a grin, "I guess I can't hug you, since you haven't gotten over seven-year-old Antoine putting dead grass snakes under your bedroom door with your younger sister, huh?"

She rolls her eyes, saying, "No, you can't hug me." Regardless of her words, though, she still stands up, giving Antoine a quick hug. When she sits back down, she focuses on me and Antoine. "So, what is the story between you two?" she questions with one eyebrow raised in interest and vague confusion.

"Well, Belle, can your food wait?" Antoine asks. "Because I am okay with making it for you or sitting down and talking."

I smile at Antoine, moving over on the chair I'm sitting on to back room for him. He laughs a bit as he squeezes in next to me. I end up just half sitting on his lap in the end.

Pedro is still speechless.

Charlie asks, "So, what is it? You guys dating or something now?"

"Yeah," I nod. "We got together a little while ago. He came back here for his vacation from football. We met. He... Well, I have been in a terrible place, for more reasons then you guys could imagine. But he has been helping me with myself and my... issues. Antoine is great. A real gentleman. Gentle and loving, but also strong and protective. And he puts up with my bull crap. Right, Antoine?" I smile up at his gorgeous face.

"Right, Belle," he smiles. He turns to my siblings, "I've just been helping out with her. I really love her. I hope she loves me too," he adds with a laugh. "So I've just been with her as much as I can lately, since in a little under a month I have to go back to San Sebastian."

"So," Pedro says, finally gaining his voice back. "My younger sister is dating football player, Antoine Griezmann?! The one that I have regretted not staying in touch with all these years?! Have you two kept in touch?!"

"No, actually," I smile, and for some reason I think it has a tint of sad in it. "We have met again for the very first time only a short while ago. About a month ago. Maybe we've been moving too fast, but it was hard for Antoine not to know me well after a while, because of how considerate he was with... helping me... through some things." I try to be vague with my troubles. I have always mostly tried to keep things from my siblings, knowing that I could potentially drop my troubles on them. And I never want others to have to carry the weight that belongs to me.

That's one of the reasons that deep inside, Antoine's kindness stresses me out. The thing is, though, somehow he never seems down. He always seems willing and happy to help. He never seems burdened.

That confuses me about him. I don't get how he can't be exhausted and tired from life. His life hasn't been that good, has it?

"Can I have your number, Antoine?" Pedro asks. "I'm a Real Sociedad fan. I really am. You're great, man. I'm honored to meet you."

Antoine laughs a bit at Pedro's fanboying, seeming slightly... what is that? Then I realise it. Antoine is acting kind of awkward, scratching behind his ear, blinking a lot, red-faced, and nervously laughing. Antoine is embarrassed. He's embarrassed! I never thought I'd see a reaction like this out of him, but quite honestly, he's completely adorable. Without thinking, I simply lean up and kiss my boyfriend's cheek, right as he responds to my brother, "Sure, man. Before I leave or you leave, remind me to give it to you. I'd like to get to know you better." He talks kind of fast as he says him. Then he looks to me after I kiss him, smiling at me. "Hey, little romantic, not right now. I'm trying to talk with your siblings."

"Oh my God..." Marie says, eyes widening dramatically. She has always been kind of dramatic. "You guys are a-dor-a-ble to-geth-er!"

Now it is my turn to be embarrassed, but that isn't unusual for me.

Marie continues, just to make me more embarrassed, sinking stress deep within me, too, and just the reminder, "So, have you guys slept together? Surely you have, with all the love you obviously have for each other."

"No," Antoine shakes his head. "I just really love her. Do I have to know her body inside and out to love her? It is her personality that shines, really."

"Antoine, stop," I smile, looking away at his beautiful words.

Then, though, I realise that I do have to tell my brothers and sister the truth about me being pregnant. But not because of Antoine.

But because of fricking awful Eden.

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