Chapter 15

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Antoine calls me the next day, and I feel worse. I pick up, though, because I can't bring myself to ignore the phone when it is Antoine.

"Hi," I sigh into the phone.

"Hey, Belle. Just checking up on you. How are you?"

"Bad," I sigh again.

"Why is that?" he says, concerned sprinkled in his voice.

"I got sick. Again. Don't worry, though. You don't have to come over. I really don't want to get you sick again."

"Are you sure? I have a strong immune system, and you really matter to me, so I'd do anything, if I thought it'd help you out. I can come o-"

This really touches me, and for some reason, I want to cry, but instead I interrupt him, saying, "Antoine, really, it's fine. I don't want to get you sick. I just... if you wanted to help me, then just talking to you makes me feel better sometimes. You have... a soothing voice."

"Oh..." he says, then there's a few moments of silence on the other side of the phone, before he says, "Well, alright. I can talk to you, happily. What sorts of symptoms do you have?"

"Oh, you know. Nausea. Really bad, actually, but I haven't thrown up yet. And just simply fatigue. Also pretty bad. It makes me tired to stand up. That's all, basically, and it's on and off. Kind of randomly. I thought I'd be better this morning, because last night I was feeling much better, but when I woke up this morning, it was even worse than it was yesterday morning, when I initially woke up feeling bad."

"Oh man... I wonder why you keep getting sick... Has there been anything else going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Has anything happened that you think might have made you sick?"

"Dunno. Maybe someone at work gave me something. About work... I'm really stressed about that."


"Well, if I'm going to be sick, then I'll have to take sick days. And I just got this job, so what if they just label me a slacker and fire me?"

"Then you get another job. It's okay, Belle. Things happen, and you can't be discouraged by every unfortunate event. I'm sure you'll be able to find another job, and if you can't, if you even get fired, I am sure I could find a job for you in the area that you could do. So don't worry about it, Belle, okay? It'll be okay, alright?"

I nod, wiping my watery eyes. "Yeah... Thanks, Antoine. That makes me feel a lot better."

"Good," I can hear the smile in his voice. He has a very pleasant voice... He really does.

We stay on the phone another hour, before I say I have to go, because I'm feel nauseous enough that there is a possibility of vomiting up my breakfast. He wishes me luck, and I hang up. Then I go the bathroom, lean over the toilet, heave a bunch, and finally throw up.

It is awful.

I hate fevers the most. The second thing I hate the most about being sick is vomiting. I would rather constantly feel nauseous for the rest of my life then have to throw up once a week for the rest of my life. That's just how much I hate it.

Then I go back to bed, all my appetite that might have been there completely gone.

For five more days, I'm sick like this, and I do have to miss work. On the fifth day, I get a phone call. I'm fired. Of course I am. It's awful.

I still haven't gotten my period yet, which is nice.

But I've been sick like this for nearly a week, and it's not exactly getting better.

Antoine calls me again this morning. I pick up, and before I can say anything, he says, "Belle, how are you?"

I swallow with a sigh. "Just as bad."

"Really? I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry, Antoine. You really don't have to."

"I am going to. You've been sick for so long, and you were sick only a short time ago for a while, too. I'm concerned. Belle, maybe you should go to the doctor."

"No... I don't think I need to. I don't like the doctor."

"I think it would be the smartest thing to do, Belle. Please. I'm concerned. What if something else weird is going on, that could be more risky. I care about you. I want to make sure you're alright. I'll drive you to the walk-in clinic, if you want me to. I can. Please, let me." 

I sigh. It's Antoine. And I'm so easily pushed by peer pressure. I always have been. So I sigh, saying, "Okay... When?"

"Is there a time of day you usually feel better?"

"Around 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, I think."

"Okay. Can I pick you up today at 1:30 P.M., then?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess," I say, unenthusiastically.

"I'm sorry, Belle, but I really think it's just for the best."

"I understand. I won't complain. I'll be ready here at 1:30, Antoine. See you then."

"Yeah, see you, Belle," he responds, then hangs up.

I pull my weak nauseous self up, and put on a dark green V-neck t-shirt and a pair of cuffed blue jeans.

Then I get a call from Eden. I pick it up with a sigh, "Hello?"

"Hey, baby. Haven't seen you in a while. Everything fine?"

"Yeah... I'm just kind of sick a lot lately. I'm actually just about to go to the doctor's office to check it out. I'm probably fine. But just to make sure, you know?"

"Sure. Well I hope you feel better soon, baby. I miss your lovely body."

I swallow. "Sure, well, bye, Eden," I say.

"Bye babe," he says, hanging up.

He is one of the things that make me want to die, along with many other things.

~ Author's Note ~

I hope you guys are enjoying this fan fiction! Things will hopefully only get more interesting. If you didn't know, check out my profile, because I am currently writing two other fan fictions about Antoine. And what not.

Why did the football quit the team?

Because it was always getting kicked around!!!

I know, I know, it's a terrible joke, I better just stop now.

b y e

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