The Light of Men

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The long, slithering tentacle plucked out the light from Shepherd Merriboth’s core, piercing his soul and allowing the gushes of brightness to spill out.

As the tentacled shade did this, another out of many numerous tentacles slipped around shepherd John’s torso and held him in place so that he was connected to the giving tree.

The tree absorbed all the light so that it glowed.

Shepherd Merriboth had so much light within him that it was surprising that a human form could hold so much illumination.

Shepherd John thought of how with such light he would not have to scurry for light from others in Merit town for a lengthy time.

The feeling of shepherd Merriboth’s light entering into him felt like a normal blood transfusion, but it gave a great feeling of alien joy and a stranger high like some new drug.

This turn of events for shepherd John meant that he could put his plan into action.

Initially, he had meant to seek a giving tree of his own and extract some light into it, but all giving trees were of the mist; thus, not outside of it.

He sighed with relief but shuddered when Lord Fahrenheit’s appendage slunk across his face in assurance.

Instead, it straightened his spine and the hair ends of his skin stood erect from his unhidden disgust and terror.

“My little evildoer: this light is your reward. I have a greater mission for you. This gift of mine should be enough for you to do my bidden and my fog will guide you.” Lord Fahrenheit chuckled in bone-chilling chortle.

Shepherd John trembled, despite knowing that he was not going to be consumed by the shade.

Lord Fahrenheit plucked out shepherd Merriboth’s dark soul and slopped it into his jagged mouth, increasing in size and stature.

Shepherd Merriboth’s eyes were lifeless and pale as if he was dead.

Lord Fahrenheit excreted out a black goo from his anus and watched it grow into a shade that took the form of shepherd Merriboth.

“I bestow upon you a shadow.” Lord Fahrenheit told him.

Shepherd John took it as a cue for him to leave.

With the new burst of energy within him he scurried away.

The way these incidents usually went was that a shade would entice someone, who would wander through the warmer regions of the mist.

The fog in shepherd John’s mind would lead him to the person and he would lead the person out of the grey mist.

The colder regions were the dark mist, unlike the warmer and recently acquired regions.

Shepherd John felt the pull in his mind, as he smelt the scent of a human. This new ability gripped him.

The smell of humans was the hot scent of pulsating blood and faded earth and a strange unidentifiable smell he couldn’t explain, but the smell felt good.

It brought out something feral and delightful in him – the urge to hunt and conquer.

Shepherd John had been a shepherd for over two decades and had fought as well as spent his trainee days studying afflictions and teaching his congregation about afflictions to know that he was transforming into an affliction if he wasn’t one already.

However, shepherd John had seen Lord Fahrenheit’s afflictions and the way that they behaved as well as the darkness that controlled them.

He wasn’t one yet, but if he kept on with this silly errand, blending into the deceit of Fahrenheit he would find himself as one, even with all his fearful dedication.

He had to find a sister of the light. He needed to be healed, but first, he must deal with the current dilemma at hand.

“Praise the God of the heavens!” a member of the Cavalry cried as soon as he stepped out of the grey mist with the lost, who he had just found.

“Oh, darling!” cried a woman, rushing through the crowd to hug the man who was just recovering from confusion. “Thank you very much, shepherd.” She burst into tears, hugging her husband again and leading him deeper into the crowd of Calvary.

A hand settled upon shepherd John’s back. It was Prophet Dawn’s Puff, his wife. “Shepherd Merriboth dashed after you.” She told him. “Why is he not here yet?” she asked.

She slid into his embrace, smelling his rough coat. It smelt of the mists and the fresh pastures.

He stepped away from her, smiling warmly at her.

He looked exhausted as usual since these marches were enforced as a new stand against the expansion of the dark mist. “I thought I saw someone get lost, so I pursued.”

“Shepherd Merriboth called after you to warn you that it was not a lost one, but a shade. We were all concerned.” She told him. The traces of worry resettled upon her brows.

He bent down to kiss her.

He had long found that it was a quicker way to get her distracted from her worries. “There is nothing to fear, my sweet. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” He reminded her.

Her hooded eyes watched him. “The Calvary is over, honey.” 

He smirked, pecking her close to her mouth. “I must meet with my flock now.” He whispered.

She nodded distractedly. “Shepherd Merriboth is still of concern all the same.”

He waved her words off dismissively. “You shouldn’t forget the creed of the shepherd…”

What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

“Puff, shepherd Merriboth is an ardent chaser and finder. If he has not yet returned he has not yet found that lost sheep. You should also know that he is an elder – a senior shepherd that guides shepherds.” He assured her.

“This holds a lot of truth. Sometimes, he wanders in the mists for days and returns back to town.” She agreed.

“I guess we should prepare for the feast then. Shepherd Merriboth hosts the largest feasts in towns. I need to shop for a new outfit for the event.” She realised.

“Your flock would be looking for you.” She said, and hurried off, dispersing with the crowd to go and meet with Prophet Apocalypse for the final part of the Calvary home.

THE SAINTESS AND THE AFFLICTION| ONC 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن