Chapter 23 Part 2

Start from the beginning

With the opening of the door, in walks the doctor, followed by Joe and Maddie. I notice he's still holding his hand, and she looks excited to see me. However, it appears the doctor made her wear a mask to keep the germs away. I don't mind though, as long as Maddie gets to stay, I'm content.

The doctor approaches my bed side and sits on a stool. He's tall, probably in his early fifty's, with a mixture of grey and black hair and a scruffy face. He's donned in the typical doctor robes with a pin reading: 'Dr. Andrews'.

Extending a hand, he greets me saying," Hi, I'm Dr. Andrews. And you're Demi?"

I see Dr. Andrews break eye contact for just a second to grab a clipboard, but he immediately looks back up after that, still waiting for an answer. I begin to speak, but soon remember no sound comes out. Instead, I simply nod my head.

"Is anything hurting?"

I scramble for the notepad, praying I am able to write something legible. As fast as possible, I scribble down 'head, leg, throat, ribs' and hand him the paper. Immediately, he takes it and begins writing stuff down on his clipboard.

"Ah, well that was expected. I'll add some more morphine to your drip to help with that. Your throat, on the other hand, will heal with time. The irritation you're feeling was caused by your breathing tube. Just drink lots of water and take deep breaths. Lucky for you, I already did most of your physical examination an hour ago. I just need to do a few quick things, and then I'll leave you alone."

Dr. Andrews bent over to open his bag, looking for an instrument of some sort. In that time, I let my mind wander to comprehend what he just said. A breathing tube? How long was I out? My thoughts were soon cut short as the doctor's body leaned over me.

"I'm just going to check your eyes real quick. Keep your eyes on my finger."

I traced his finger as he moved it about, checking both eyes. Then, the light was turned off and he out the instrument back down.

"Just one more thing and then I'm done here. I just need to test your mobility. Just relax."

I watch as Dr. Andrew takes my leg and bends it back and fourth. Then, he moves on to the one where I for shot. As he bends my leg towards me, I feel a sharp pain.

"Ah," I gasp in pain.

"Are you experiencing discomfort?" Dr. Andrews asks.

I nod my head simply, and he hits something down on his clipboard. Then, he proceeds to do the same movements with my arm. Finishing what he needed to do, Dr. Andrews packs up his bag and stands by my bed.

"I will send a nurse in shortly to fix her morphine drip. Overall, the surgery appears to be a success. However, I will be making an appointment for her to get an MRI for further testing."

"Further testing? Does that mean something is wrong?" Dallas asks with concern.

"Well we need to check her brain function and see what could be causing the pain in her leg, but it's mainly a precautionary test."

"Thank you, Doctor," Joe says, and he closes the door behind him.

Everyone then gathers around my bed, and I finally start to relax. With Maddie sitting on the edge of my bed by my feet, I finally begin to feel at peace.

"Well I'm glad that's ov-"

Joe is cut off by another knocking at the door.

"What could they possibly want now, he mutters as he gets up to open the door.

However, it's not a doctor waiting at the door. Instead, it's a policeman; the same policeman who talked to us on the night of Eddie's murder.

"Hello, Demi. Joe, Dallas, Maddie," he nods to all of us,"I never properly introduced myself. I'm Officer Jones."

We all give a small smile, more curious about why he came than what his name was.

"Although I'm glad to see you again, I hate that it's for this. Unfortunately, I need to talk to Demi alone on this one."

Once again, Joe and Dallas look at one another to see what to do. This time, Joe takes charge.

"Let's go, Maddie. I'll go get you some ice cream."

Joe takes Maddie's hand and they file out of the room with Dallas. With the click of the door shutting, the officer begins to speak again.

"Demi, I'm sure you know why I'm here, so let's just get started. I need you to tell me what happened once Wilmer took you outside."

I take a deep breath, wishing he hadn't asked me that. What happened was a nightmare, and it wasnt something I wanted to relive. But I had no choice; I had to tell. Mustering all the strength I had, I cleared my throat and began to speak.

10 comments before I continue. Let me know how you're enjoying it so far! I read all your feedback, so thank you! I noticed a lot of you want a sequel, which I wasn't planning on doing. However, if you can get me to 8,500 reads, I will consider adding an extra part. It won't be a sequel necessarily, but I think you will enjoy it :) 💜

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