chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up tired from the night before almost dying 3 different times. And that's why I never trust those monsters.

I pushed the heavy blankets off of myself, and went to the bathroom looking in the mirror at the cuts and dried blood on my throat and collarbone.

I sigh and twist the knob to turn the sink on, putting my hands under the running water and washing my face hoping it would wash away the stress as well.

I grabbed a washcloth and wet it and began dabbing the cuts on my skin, wiping away dried blood. And ignoring the pain that came with it.

After I looked somewhat decent, I set the cloth down, pulled out my toothbrush, and brushed the morning breath that resonated from my mouth away

I made my way to the kitchen to see my sister "good morning yeri" but received no response.

Oh that's right she was still mad about last night she was the one that had come and got me after the incident.

And the one that had made dinner, and cleaned, even though it was my night. I had continuously apologized to her but nothing seemed to work. So I continued to not break the silence created between us.

I sigh and grab a bowl from the upper cupboard and make myself a bowl of cereal I walked over to the table eating the bowl quite fast as I had been so tired, and hungry, and needed the energy.

After I was done I put the bowl in the sink and rinsed it off. I glanced toward my sister and I knew I had to fix this

"Look, I know I made a bad decision last night. But you do know this is my job, it's just what we do" I spoke to her looking her in the eyes.

"Yea and I get that but going off not saying anything? you could have died and I wouldn't have even known.

We are a team Wendy and we have to tell each other things or one of us will end up dead she said with sadness prominent in her voice, I moved to sit next to her at the table.

"Look I know I know but I didn't want you to stop me last night I was looking for dad... Ive been having a feeling he's near you know?" I admitted to her.

"What? You think he's near?" she asked worriedly, I looked up at her sighing before saying "yes and it scares me what is yet to come," I looked down from her gaze fidgeting with my hands.

"Hey, look it's gonna be fine I doubt he'll find us and even if he does we will kill him together ok?" she said, making me look up at her "okay" I nod with a smile.

"Well I have to get going to the university but ill see you when I get home alright?"

she said standing up and walking out of the dining room "I'll be making dinner tonight, so be home by six" I shouted to her as she walked out the door, she hummed and closed the door.

Once she was gone I let my thoughts trail off to the monster I had met last night.

It was so weird she had seemed like any other human, well until she let her fangs out in a threatening manner against the pristin that attacked me.

Which was also another weird thing that happened.

Why had she killed the pristin who was attacking me, but didn't kill me?

She saved me, a hunter, and even when I tried pushing her off the building in an attempt to kill her she just pulled me off with her and she still in the end saved me from plummeting to my death.

Could she really be different?

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