Ch.3 Of Runaways and Stowaways

Start from the beginning

Before Blake could even ask more, I turned away from her and walked away.


Josh's Pov

Yang is seen sitting on a green couch in her home on Patch. She looks at the stack of three books on her right and instead picks up the remote control to her left. With a click, the projected scene comes on, revealing a news segment from the VBC channel.

Glynda Goodwitch is shown unsuccessfully piecing together a building. Across the bottom of the screen it reads: BEACON INACCESSIBLE.

Reporter 01: "...with no end in sight. Try as they might, the local Huntsmen and Huntresses can't seem to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Academy."

Yang clicks the remote. As the next reporter speaks, the large lettering across the screen are slowly revealed backward, from the perspective of someone facing Yang. It reads: CCT Repairs 'Underway'. The subheading reads: Atlas officials working on solution, but not optimistic.

Reporter 02: "...though the fail safes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT Tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world. Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far—"

Yang clicks again, cutting off the reporter and bringing up yet another news segment. A horned anchorman speaks above the caption: Sending Citizens Home. The corner caption has the logo for VOX News.

Reporter 03: "...Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation. The council has made it clear that they feel—"

Yang clicks again. Her eyes widen and she sits up.

Lisa: "Multiple rumours continue to circulate as to who was behind the attacks at the Vytal Festival Tournament."

The screen shows anchor Lisa Lavender and the VNN logo. The caption below her reads: WHITE FANG MEMBER, ADAM TAURUS, PRESENT DURING BEACON GRIMM ATTACK.

Lisa: "While no one knows for sure, officials have confirmed that high-ranking White Fang member, Adam Taurus..."

Adam's image appears on the screen at his name being spoken.

Lisa: "...was present for the attack. Any and all attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force. In other news...."

The caption below her changes and now reads: "HEIR OF LYCANDRA WEAPON'S INDUSTRY, BRISA LYCANDRA, BEHIND THE ATTACK?

Lisa: "..... Lycandra Weapon's Industry weapons designer prodigy, Brisa Lycandra......."

Brisa's image appears on the screen as her name being spoken.

Lisa: " still in current being looked for the Atlas officials if she was one of the persons behind the Fall of Beacon. But her Father, CEO of Lycandra Weapons Industry, Braxton Lycandra states:"

The screen changes, and it now shows Braxton Lycandra standing on a podium with mics of all sorts placed on top of the podium, camera's flashing with every passing second.

Braxton: "My daughter is innocent until proven guilty, and I can assure you that there is no way my daughter, Brisa, would do such a malignant act. She had no control over the White Fang and their attack. We may not have proof of my daughter's innocence, but the officials also have no proof that my daughter did it—"

Yang turns the news off. She sits there holding the remote, and a door clicks open.

Taiyang: "I'm home!"

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