Chapter G

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Chapter 7: Do Self-help -
Find your True Identity-
In music, In fashion,
things we need:
We need to feel Safe
We need to be Seen
We need Comfort
We need to be encouraged to be our best self
We need to be Valued.
We are define because we are son of God
Our value comes because we are created in love, to love and to be loved.
He have past trauma that make us doubt ourself and make us insecure and unloved.
Here's what to do to help you feel secure:
1,Try eating your fave foods
2, Do exercise
3, Dance like no one is watching
4, Sing like no one is
5,Read books
6,Watch your favourite shows
7,Listen to music
8, Pray to God everyday and have a healthy relationship with God.
Try some of these excercise to grow relationship with God:
Remember no one is perfect, those who have hurt us are not perfect and sinners like us.
Breathe slowly and deeply
Allow emotions to be removed from your mind and heart and pray,
Mediate and talk to God, share your thoughts with God.
Try to connect with other people.
Be ready to forgive all those who hurt you.
Prepare for reconcilliation.
And feel the peace of mind, heart and soul.

Hope you guys enjoy reading. Kindly follow me here and pls click like and share every chapter. Kindly listen to my songs and Follow me on We Sing  too: @Winsome Star thanks

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