Chapter E:

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Chapter 5: Find ways to get to know God and be closer to him.
I am a Catholic and I am in a relationship with the Lord eversince, like any other relationships, We started as M.U. or mutual understanding but last 2017 some people did evil things to me and make my whole world shatter, it make my heart breaks that's why I decided to take a cool off with the Lord. As I was taking my cool off with the Lord because of too much pain, anger, hurt, suffering, brokenness and hatred, God find a way for Us to reconcile and be back in each others arm. I discover a Christian church then tried attending their church service and after that I got hired in a job last 2019 so I'm so happy and heartfully thank God and said sorry to God that I had a misunderstanding with Him and I decided to be in a relationship with God again, I discover Feast Fellowship but I decided to leave both Feast Catholic fellowship and Christian fellowship because I don't feel welcome there so I decided to create my own fellowship with God, no other members but me and God. I continued worshipping God all by myself and I discover my faith and love to God becomes stronger and happier. I pray Novenas almost everyday. I talk to God everyday. I feel God is talking to me too, and I begin to feel healing from brokenness in my heart, mind, and soul. I feel relieved, I feel so happy and alive. I found my purpose in worshipping and loving God and sharing His words, love, blessings and prayers and His greatness to others. I felt that I'm God's bestfriend too like He is my bestfriend. Slowly all my pain, anger, hatred, anxiety and depression were slowly healing. Though I'm not perfect there are still times that some people can get in my nerve and make me angry. But after few hours of anger, I take a deep breath and asked for God's forgiveness and I feel better again. I am a work in progress.
Here are other ways How to get to know God and get closer to God.

1, Pray everyday
2, Pray novenas
3, Pray rosary
D, Read Bible
5, Read Devotionals
6, Write a Bible Diary
7, Write a song or poem for God
8, Sing a song for God
9, Write God a love letter
10, Pray to the Saints
11, Listen to Homilies
12, Go to church
12B, Read Bible Stories
1D, Hug God and Saints
15, Kiss God and Saints
16, Feed God and Saints a piece of food sometimes
17, Give gifts to God and the Saints.
18, Listen to religious podcast
19, Do a Bible Study
20, Give flowers to God and the Saints.
21, Greet God on His Birthday
22, Greet the Saints on their Birthday.
23, Spread God's word
2D, Share God's Bible Verses Everyday.
25, Pray together with others.
26, Share God's and Saints Prayers always.

Hope you guys enjoy reading. Kindly follow me here on Wattpad and pls click like and share every chapter. Follow me on We Sing too: @Winsome Star

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