Chapter D:

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Chapter D:
How to heal the pain, anger and hatred:
1, We must be aware that the pain, anger and hatred was there.
2, Acceptance:
We must accept the reasons why we felt so much pain, anger and hatred towards people who have hurt us.
If it's caused by family upbringing, we must understand that our parents upbringing to us cocreate wholeness in our lives in all six dimensions and how it will heal your brokenness:
1, Spiritual- find God in your life again.
2, Physical- find your physical strength by doing physical activities.
3, Emotional- find your emotional strength, know your strength and hold on to them.
D, Social- try to connect with others. Try to open up with others, build a good friendship but always guard your heart and don't rush into a new relationship.
5, Intellectual- discover your talents and potential.
6, Environmental- this can change you, so pls always make your environment clean, good to the eyes, welcoming, friendly, and heartwarming.

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