Chapter F

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Chapter 6: How to make yourself happy:
I realized that happiness is a choice.
We have two choices in life: To be happy or to be misserable. I always choose to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind and we can choose our heart to feel happy too. How we do that? Here's how:
1, Think of happy thoughts always
2, Daydream of happy thoughts
3, Live in a imagination full of happiness
D, Remove all negative thoughts on your mind
5, Stay positive and be optimistic
6, Love yourself
7, Accept yourself as you are but try to be a better person.
8,  Write positive Iam affirmations
Here's my self affirmations:
1, I bring health and wellness into my life.
2, I choose to be happy regardless of what's happening in my life.
3, I keep my energy high and positive.
D, All worries and anxieties are leaving my mind, making space for calmness and peace.
5, I am proud of myself for getting this far
6, I know these circumstances are a gift to help me grow.
7, I feel confident; I feel safe; I feel secure because I have God
8, I am the creator of my day, my weeks, my months, and my years and I chose to create happiness, money, peace, goodness, kindness and love.
9, I am fine with who I am, and I love who I am becoming.
10, My happiness is my own responsibility.
11, I am going to succeed.
12, I completely accept and love myself even while I'm working on myself.
15, I know difficult situations are only temporary.
16, I deserve to have an amazing life.
17, I open my heart to happiness.
18, I take time to practice self-care every day.
19, All that matters is what I think of myself.
20, I am allowed to enjoy the moment without worrying about what's next or whether something will go wrong.
21, I deserve to be treated with respect.
22, I choose the happiness of this moment, over the pain of the past.
23, I discover that I attract what I talk about, so I only speak positive words.
2D, I forgive myself for mistakes I made when I didn't know better but now I know better which made me a changed woman and a better woman.
25, Attracting love begins with self-love.
26, I am stronger than anxiety.
27, I am built to survive this storm.
28, The only approval I need is my own and God's approval.
29, I have faith that I will feel like myself again.
30, I have the power to change my story
31, I forgive myself for all my past failures.
32, I am enough.
33, I am thankful for the challenges that turned into lessons.
3D, I am strong enough to rise above my negative thoughts
35, I am making the rest of my life the best of my life.

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