Chapter 3 - Acid Fog, False Justice

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The next day we were awakened by the shouts of delinquents.

,,They're back!" They repeated.

Me and Octavia got up. Only to find out that Bellamy is carrying someone with a jacket over their face.

,,Bellamy?" I asked and he shook his head.

,,Octavia, Katarina, don't come here. Please don't come here..." He said and we frowned.

,,Bellamy, no." Octavia said and bent down. To push the jacket away from the face of the boy Katarina spent several years with on the Ark.

"Octavia, I couldn't do anything else..." Bellamy began, and a tear rolled down my face. I wasn't the only one, Octavia was close to crying.

I bent down next to Octavia and looked at Atom, without a single sign of life...

,,Yu gonplei ste odon, Atom..." I whispered, maybe he was dead... But I needed to say this.

I covered him with jacket and Octavia ran away after refusing her brother's comfort.

,,You let him die..." I said through gritted teeth to hold back tears.

,,There was nothing I could do, Katarina. Acid Fog..." He started but I didn't let him finish.

,,I hope you enjoy watching others suffer, Mr. Whatever The Hell We Want." I sent him one last look of disgust and left to see Octavia who was crying.

,,It's going to be okay, people come and go... You have to get over it or you'll be in the same place forever." I patted her back as we sat on the ground leaning against the trees outside Camp.

Octavia put her head on my shoulder and I started to cry a little after a while.


The next morning, Bellamy came back.

,,What do you want from me..." I asked still offended, honestly, out of the Blake family, I had the best relationship with Octavia... Bellamy and I often argued, even if it was over a small thing...

,,I'm sorry...But I'm not going to do anything about it." It's as if, sentence by sentence, Merciful Bellamy has become the one who doesn't care.

,, That's right, you're not going to do anything about it. Like when you didn't do anything about Atom tripping...I think Charlotte was telling me that yesterday before she left for the woods." I looked ahead at the working delinquents.

,,You let Charlotte go into the woods?!" He turned his head to me, eyes wide.

,,She's alive...That's the important thing isn't it? But Wells isn't, god knows if the kid did something it shouldn't have done." I asked and wanted to step away, but he grabbed my wrist.

,,Don't provoke me, you know what I can do." He told me and I raised an eyebrow.

,,Leave me alone and go somewhere." I said and went to help with the work.

,,Work." Murphy said to one of the people. I walked closer.

,,I need water..." The boy said.

,,Murphy, give him water." Bellamy said and left with a large log on his shoulder.

I heard the zipper of some pants, and that's when I heard That Boy yelling.

,,Are you normal?!" He yelled at Murphy who was zipping his pants.

,,You wanted water, you got it." Murphy said and was about to leave.

,,John." I said and he turned.

,,What do you want, Kane?" He asked.

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