Chapter 1 - The 100

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It's been two weeks now, Roan has helped me improve combat, hunting, basic survival overall. I still have the clothes from Ark, but I don't mind. Being the daughter of a one of the councilors, I could have whatever I wanted. So when I asked for suitable sports clothing, they gave it to me.

I was fighting with Roan, and then a Dropship started falling from the sky.

,,Is the sky falling?" Roan asked sarcastically.

,,It's Dropship. My people sent someone here." I said.

"Shall we go see it?" I asked and he shook his head.

,,You are currently looking at at least a five mile trek. You won't make it until dark. And trust me, you don't want to come back in the dark." Roan said and I went into a sort of cave, that's what I call it.

Tavia could be there, the Octavia Blake I helped.

,,In theory, Octavia could be there, she's the one I helped, she was the second child." I said.

,,I'm going off topic, but why don't you get any scratches every time you train? Sometimes it's like fighting air." He laughed at the last sentence.

,,My secret." I said and he rolled his eyes. After the two weeks we became something like friends. Overall he changed his demeanor, he was the opposite person from the one who put the dagger to my throat.

,,But we're leaving tomorrow morning, okay? " I started.

"Do I have a choice?" He asked.

,,You have no choice." I laughed and he rolled his eyes again.

,,Your eyes will stay like this one day." I said and he rolled his eyes, again.

,,I'm going out, I'm going to look around, stay here." He told me and I nodded.

I went to sharpen my sword.

I was there alone, so I rolled up my sleeve, I had a wound on my forearm. I had very dark blood, not black but not red either. I went to the wall that was supposed to be my part of the cave, I had a bed made there. When I got there, I mixed water with the ashes from the fire. I started painting, the result was Ark. Next to Ark was me and next to me was the earth. I was in between.

When I looked at Ark, I was filled with rage. I took a bucket of water and poured it on the wall.

"Let them go to hell," I said and went to continue sharpening my sword.


It's early morning, sunrise.

,,Roan, get up." I said, nudging him lightly with my foot.

,,I'm not dead, if you haven't noticed. You're acting like you're checking to see if I'm alive." Roan said and I rolled my eyes.

,,Your eyes will stay like this one day." Roan imitated me in a strange voice as he stood up.

,,I don't sound like that." I said and put my sword in my belt.

,,Do you want to talk or are we going?" Roan asked and we set off.


I was hiding behind the bushes when I saw Dropship.

,,Those are delinquents under eighteen. John Murphy, Atom..." I started.

,,Did they send criminals here?" Roan asked.

,,What to expect from Ark." I said and saw WELLS JAHA?! Wells was holding a pile of clothes.

,,Wait a minute, what the hell is he doing here?!" I whispered.

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