Short Story : Storm Crown 14

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"Oh! So finally I'm free to go outside? I have been waiting for this day for eight years." Delighted at the news, Shizue replied with a charming smile. Finally, after eight years her master Veldora has permitted her to go outside. 

She can finally see the world outside the dungeon again. 

She is so happy! 

Her adventure will finally start in this new world. 

Even though life inside the labyrinth wasn't that boring, Shizue just wanted to visit the different nations outside the Labyrinth. She has read many Holy Texts with Veldora and was carving for her adventure but her master forbade her from going outside the Labyrinth before reaching the age of eighteen. 

The labyrinth itself is like a massive kingdom for Shizue, but she wants to see the different nations in this world, wants to help many people, and most importantly wants to see the power level of the outside world. 

Her master and the other two are too powerful for her to handle. Even the spirits and elves or other monsters inside the labyrinth were quite powerful, but according to her master's standard they are mere ‘bugs’ and it took her whole six years to defeat those bugs. 

Even though she has her cheat-like spirit called Charys.

She wants to dig a hole and bury herself when she hears about Rimuru from Veldora. 

He didn't tell her much, he only said a single sentence. 

‘It took Rimuru only two years to reach the level that those four lizards can't even dream of reaching. He became a Demon Lord from a nobody in mere two years and became as strong as me a True Dragon in four years.’ 

Shizue nearly vomited blood after hearing this sentence from Veldora. A ‘True Demon Lord’ — She just got beaten like a rag by one just a few hours ago in the name of training. 

Shizue is determined to take some students under her wings and teach them, in the same manner she was taught by her master and the loli. 

"I'm going! Bye Milim-Chan, Ramiris-Chan, and Master Veldora." Not wanting to spend a second more within the Labyrinth, Shizue hurriedly said goodbye, who knows when her master's mood will change and didn't let her go.

And just as she thought. 

"Stop! Shizue! I have a gift for you!" To her relief, he just wanted to give her a gift. 

Shizue sighs softly in relief and turns around only to see a white mask with some weird black markings and a small red stone in the center.

"Take this! It will help you hide your power, magicules in general." Veldora said and threw the mask towards her. Shizue catches the mask and wears it on her face— the mask is truly magical with many different abilities.

"Thank you, master!!" Shizue said and disappeared from the Labyrinth. 

So his master left the Labyrinth to find a farewell gift for her. 

How considerate. 

She felt a warm feeling inside her body as she looked at the labyrinth one last time from the outside and then left the area. 




Her journey was long but wonderful, from hunting a monster ant nest to killing a Special A rank Dragon. Shizue has done everything in just a few years and rose in fame at an unprecedented pace. 

Climbing the leader of ranks from (A rank) to (S rank) within just a few years. She became a Champion of humanity. 

After becoming a Champion she visits her master again to celebrate her fame. Of course, she took a lot of snacks from them. She has a lot of money.

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