Short Story : Storm Crown 10

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"Hey! Don't destroy my house! You are doing this on purpose right!" Veldora scolds Milim for breaking the door of his house.

"Huh?! Ah! Sorry, sorry but uncle, when will we meet this Rimuru person." She asked innocently while tilting her head in confusion.

"I know you are worried about your pet but Rimuru will reincarnate after around 2000 years, I'm not sure," Veldora replied.

"You said the same thing a thousand and five hundred years ago when Guy decided to hold Demon Lord meetings."

Milim said and looked at Veldora with suspicious eyes.

"What?!! Has it been that long, hahaha!! Then only five hundred years have left till Rimuru reincarnated." Veldora said and thought of something and then asked Milim. "What are you guys doing nowadays? Did someone new join you guys?"

"Yes!! We are now called 'Ten Great Demon Lords' and the three new members had recently joined us." Milim boasted while puffing out her chest. She will not leave the chance to boast about herself and her colleagues.

"Ga-ha-ha-ha! Doesn't matter, they all are weaklings. Only you, Guy, Ramiris, and Dagruel are worthy!" Veldora laughed at her words.

"Dagruel? Was he that strong? I have heard about him but he always rejected my challenge." Milim was surprised at the mention of Dagruel, she has her 'Milim Eyes' and he doesn't look that strong to Milim but her arrogant uncle who beat her like beating a child in the past says that Dagruel is strong.

Milim doesn't understand.

"Huh! Yes! Ha-ha-ha!! Not as strong as me or you but he is strong. He is currently incomplete, when he will merge with his two brothers only then his real power will be released." Veldora explained as he eats some of the snacks that he 'borrowed' from a rich merchant, since Ciel did not stop him he must have been a corrupt merchant.

"Wahahaha! That makes sense!" Milim said and also put some potato chips in her mouth. "These are good!!" She replied, her eyes bright in delight.

"Gah! Good?! Haha, haha, hahaha! These are merely acceptable, I will let you taste the real flavor once I create a nation with Rimuru." Veldora said and then seemed to remember something as he added. "You remembered the Takoyaki that I made a few years ago, I learned to make that from Rimuru!"

"Really!! Amazing! He sounded like an amazing person, he said he will become my bestie when we meet again in the future. You know beastie means 'Best Friend'. I have left that place for him." Milim said happily, the more she heard about Rimuru from Veldora the more amazing she found Rimuru.

"Ga-ha-ha-ha!! Of course, he is my sworn brother after all. He has to be amazing!!" Veldora did not forget to boast about himself.

"So who is strong between the two of you?" Milim asked slyly, even fully knowing the answer ready. She just loves to see the embarrassed face of her all-mighty uncle.

"T-That! Ahem!! I m-mean... don't ask. You already know the answer." Veldora said and humped like a kid.

"So, why are you living here? I mean in the middle of a jungle?"

"I am going to make my nation here, and a very powerful 'Hero' is about to appear..." Veldora trailed off after saying he has a feeling Milim already knows about it.

"Hero? Do you mean the black-haired human girl? The one who always wears the mask?" Milim asked with a little excitement, recently among the human nation that 'Hero' has become very famous.

"Chronoa! Her name is Chronoa, I am sure she is strong!" Veldora said with a huge grin on his face, he has already destroyed the Rumimas castle a few thousand years ago like in the past, so he can fight with Hinata again. That girl has made fun of him as the mighty storm dragon because of this shameful fight in the previous timeline but this time he will make sure to beat the shit out of her until she begs for mercy and shouts.

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