Short Story : Storm Crown 1

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"Veldora... I hope you will be able to change this cursed future... I believe in you Veldora" 

This was the last sentence that Veldora heard from Rimuru as his surroundings became pitch black. 

"Rimuru!! What do you mean by that—"

Veldora wasn't even able to utter a single word as a terrifying amount of magicules started to surround him and before he knew what happened he got teleported somewhere very far from his original place.

Far... Not only in the sense of distance but also in time.

The ‘Storm Dragon’ Veldora has arrived in the past.


Velgrynd Pov

Beautiful... Everything today seems to be unusually beautiful, from the sky to the land, even the grass on the ground looks like they were reborn. This place used to be a little beautiful because of my little brother, but even so today I feel like I have arrived in a totally different place and the amount of magicules in the air seems to have increased by a lot. 

My little brother ‘Strom Dragon’ Veldora, used to cause a lot of trouble for me but nowadays he seems unusually quiet. I haven't heard any news about him in recent years and that makes me curious about him. Why isn't he rampaging? Has he finally matured? It's hard to say that he can change this much in just a few years until something big has happened in my little brother's life. 

That's one of the reasons why I'm here to find the cause of the change in the behavior of my little brother. Well, I miss him and not to mention I have some important news for him, even though he didn't care about that news but at least I have some reasons to visit him, unlike Velzard who didn't even bother to visit him just because he isn't causing trouble. 

My little brother's element is ‘Storm’ and thanks to his element this place always remains the same green and healthy... But recently the aura of this place is increasing and the cause naturally is Veldora, how much magicules did he have to waste like this? I'm a little jealous because I have the least amount of magicules among True Dragons... At least I'm stronger than him.

As I walked for a while in the forest I arrived at the place where the concentration of magicules is maximum and there I saw him, my little brother... Sleeping peacefully? 

This little...’ My eyes twitched as I saw him sleeping in the middle of the forest in his dragon form. Should I teach him how to transform into human form? But as I moved closer to him, he slowly opened his golden-colored eyes... For some reason, he looked pretty impressive at this moment, even the way he opened his eyes looked majestic.

He opened his bored and uninterested looking eyes and looked at me, his eyes seemed to penetrate my body and look directly into my very soul.  

"H-Hey, s-sister , why are you here?"

He opened his mouth and said with a little surprised voice, his voice was a little shaky but husky. I'm pretty happy that he didn't try to run away from me, but what with the shuttering voice? Well, he seemed to make some progress so that's fine we can work on it from now on. 

"I came here to visit you. It's been a while since we met, aren't you happy? Your big sis has come here to visit you." 

I said to him with a calm voice as I moved towards him and rubbed the scale of his neck area. His jet-black color scale seemed to shine as the sunlight hit them and a grunt of satisfaction escaped from his mouth. 

"Of course, I'm happy. Who said that I wouldn't?"

He hurriedly replied to me with a panicked voice as he heard my words and looked at me with his big eyes. Sigh, he is the same from the inside, for some reason, it makes me a little happy. 

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