Soon, they reached an alley.

Namjoon and Hoseok took out their guns.

The guards followed them.

But you couldn't feel their movements.

There was no sound of footsteps.

They were smooth and light in their movements.

As they got closer, the sounds became more audible.

"Please, leave me. Please,I'll do anything you say, leave me"


"Bitch, stop screaming. No one will hear you. I'm getting tired just knock her out", said a male voice.

These were coming from an very old building.

A loud thud was heard.

Namjoon signalled as he kicked the door open.

There were three men and a girl laying unconscious in the floor.

The three men had masks on their face.

The girl was almost naked.

Her head was bleeding as she has multiple bruises in her body.

Before anyone in the room can register anything, Namjoon punched a man, knocking him out on the spot.

The guards took care of the other two men, while Hoseok covered the girl with his coat.

"We need to get her to the hospital", He said as he picked her up.

She looked fairly young, maybe in her teens.

"Treat them very well", Namjoon said as he went out of the building.

He opened the back door as Hobi laid her down on the seat.

Hobi started driving and Namjoon sat beside him.

They didn't utter a word.

"She's up. She'll be fine soon", the doctor said as he went away.

Hobi nooded his head.

They went in the room to see the girl opening her eyes.

She looked around the room, but began screaming when memories hit her head.

"EOMMA! APPA! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP", she screamed as she clutched her head.

The nurses present in the room calmed her down.

She was having a panick attack.

"Miss. Please have some food. You are weak. The gentlemen here brought everything you needed", a nuse said as she gave a bowl of warm soup tonthe girl.

That's when she noticed the brothers standing in a corner.

"Thank y-you", she said as she drank the soup quietly.

Hobi signalled as the nurses left the room.

"What's your name?", Namjoon asked.

"Lee Minnie", She said as she drank the soup.

"You want something else to eat?", Hobi asked.

She shook her head.

She kept the bowl aside.

She stared at the wall blankly.

"So, you guys found me?", She asked.

"Yes", Namjoon said.

Her tears started flowing.

"Now I am nothing but a ruined-", she sobbed out.

Hobi went near her slowly, not wanting to scare her.

"Hey, Minnie, relax. Nothing has happened to you. We found you the next moment you fell unconscious. We heard your scream. We came there immediately. Don't overthink, okay? Nobody has touched you", Hobi said in a soft voice.

"Minnie. You shouldn't cry. I know it'll be traumatic but believe me, those sinners will pay for their sin", Namjoon said.

"But they touched me! Those fuckers tore my dress. They fucking groped me. How can I forget this?!! It will come after me for the rest of my life. Arghhh",she screamed.

"You are strong, Minnie. I don't know if this will help you, but remember you are important and enough for this world. People say time will heal everything. And I believe it does. Give it some time. You'll be fine and back on your feet", Hobi said as he took her hands in his.

"How come you ended up there?", Namjoon asked.

"I went to get some medicines for my brother. He is sick. My parents are usually late from their work, as we need money to survive. So I have to take care of him. I came out of the store, but i felt someone following me. I panicked and started to run. But somehow they caught me", she said as her tears resurfaced again.

"What's your age Minnie?", Hobi asked.


"Here, keep this", Namjoon said as he took out his bank card.

"You can use this whenever you want", He said.

"No. I can't accept this",she said shaking her head.

"Okay. If it makes you feel better I'll set monthly limitations. You can't use more than that for a month. If you need money for emergency, call me. Tell me what are the medicines required for your brother. I'll get them", Namjoon said as he pushed the card into her hand.

"I can't accept this. I am not desperate for money. I need some mental peace now", she said wiping her tears.

"Minnie. Accept this. If you don't accept this we will be guilty that we can't help you. You don't have to worry about survival. You can focus on your mental health. You should be stronger for your brother and parents right?", Hobi said.

"Thank you. If I get a chance, I'll repay you guys with my life", she said smiling a little.

"So, have you seen their faces?", Namjoon asked.

She shook her head.

The brothers smirked.

She got changed into the clothes they bought for her.

Hobi parked the car.

They got out.

Namjoon knocked on the door.

Soon, a lady opened the door.

Her eyes were red from crying.

When she looked at Minnie her expression changed into anger.


"Minnie, go inside. Go to your room", Hobi said.

Soon a man came there.

Namjoon nodded.

Minnie got in.

Namjoon signalled them to come out and closed the door.

"I know you are struggling, but money comes after your children. Atleast anyone of you can spend time with your children, alternatively. Your daughter was almost raped today and you are shouting nonsense on her face. Stay with her for some time. She needs you", Namjoon said as he signalled.

A guard came in with a small pouch.

"Take this. If you want some help, contact us", Hobi said as he turned around to leave.

"Thank you"

They started walking to their car when they heard a scream, "Thank you oppa".

Princess - BTS Brothers FFWhere stories live. Discover now