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Since the Finals are in a couple days, I've been trying to come up with ideas on how to make the gyoza. I was trying to figure out how to make the gyoza wrappers and how to cook them, so here's what I did: I went to a local yatai (Japanese street food stall) and see how they make the wrappers and how they cook them.

The only problem was that when I asked Erina to come with me, she refused because she thought street food was for commoners. I tried to have her relent, but she was just dead set against it.

Well, I couldn't convince her otherwise, so I went alone, which wasn't a problem for me.

After a couple days of learning from the Yatai venders and watching them by how they do their gyoza and dumplings, I decided to make my own.

First, I had to learn how to make them by taking 600 grams of all purpose flour, some water and I had to kneed it by hand, rather than a mixer. It was such a tedious process and it was so stressful that I almost had my hands sore from all that kneeding.

In the end, it was worth it because I made a very flat sheet with a rolling pin, as thin as the dough can be, and I used a biscuit cutter to cut a circle through the very thin dough.

I eventually made 60 potstickers for my gyoza and I put them in the fridge so I can use them when I'm back from the fish market.

I was able to buy 2 saurys and I was going to filet them by how Ryo would do it, since he gave me tips on how to make use of the fish meat.

What I did to them first was I cut the heads off, score the fish by its belly, take the guts out, clean it with some water until there was little to no blood.

After that, I took the blade, and cut alongside the spine, peeling it away before I did the same to the other side as I took a clipper and removed the bones.

This I had to be careful because I didn't want any bones going into my gyoza.

After removing the bones, I cut a bit of the meat off until I hit the skin, and peeled until most of the skin was off as I did the same to the other filet.

When that was done, I started chopping the filets until they were almost a paste, as I added some MSG, and some seasoning that I made myself.

Yes, I made the seasoning myself and I didn't steal any of it from Akira and Jun Shiomi. That's the last thing I want to do.

The seasoning was very basic in flavor, but the aroma will fill the arena: smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, celery seed, salt, ground white pepper (to give it a bit of a kick), some cumin, and allspice.

Yes, allspice. I asked Megumi if I could steal some of that and she said go for it. Like, to have her as a friend and help me out made me so happy.

Anyway, after adding the seating to the newly pasted Saury, I rubbed it all together and it all smelled so good mixing it all together!

Once the filling was done, took my gyoza wrappers and filled them, but there were two folding ideas that I wanted to try out: the quadrangle folding, which looked like this:

Once the filling was done, took my gyoza wrappers and filled them, but there were two folding ideas that I wanted to try out: the quadrangle folding, which looked like this:

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Professionals (Food Wars X Male Reader) 2.0Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ